‘Act Your Age’ revolves around three successful and single women in their fifties who decide to live together in one penthouse. Created by Alyson Fouse, the sitcom follows their daily lives around the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Keisha and Angela travel to the city to meet their best friend, Bernadette, who has recently been awarded the key to the city. While Keisha and Angela are very fond of Bernadette, they don’t get along too well. But when Bernadette tells them that she plans to elope with a man they’ve never met, the two put aside their differences to talk some sense into her.
After a night of partying, the three end up deciding to stay together at Bernadette’s penthouse. The show is highlighted by its comedy, romance, and family drama. However, at its core, it narrates a heartwarming story of friendship. Therefore, enthusiasts of the series may find themselves questioning whether Washington, D.C. is where the show is filmed.
Act Your Age Filming Locations
Shooting for ‘Act Your Age’ is carried out entirely in Los Angeles, California. Throughout the show, some establishing shots of Washington, D.C. treat us to views of the capital city. Principal photography for the show began in Fall 2022 and was completed for the first season before the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike began in July 2023. The cast and crew seem to have really enjoyed their time on set, sharing pictures and videos of grooving to music and laughing together behind the scenes.
Los Angeles, California
‘Act Your Age’ is filmed in a studio in the City of Angels. Although the show’s setting is Washington, D.C., the production team utilizes establishing shots and visual effects to create the illusion of being in the nation’s capital. This technique, known as location doubling, allows the show to maintain continuity with its storyline while filming in a more practical and cost-effective location like most sitcoms.
Los Angeles boasts the highest density of film studios in the world. Not only are the facilities numerous, but also technologically advanced, with a history of cinema behind them. Los Angeles’ historical status as a film hub draws talent to it from across the country, creating an easily accessible pool of seasoned cast and crew members for productions. Looking at the visual presentation of ‘Act Your Age,’ it becomes apparent that the show benefits from excellent production quality owing to expert teams working behind the scenes for hair, makeup, camera, costume, and set building, among others.
One of the key benefits of filming in a Los Angeles studio is the availability of soundstages equipped with cutting-edge technology and versatile sets. These soundstages offer a controlled environment where lighting, sound, and set design can be meticulously managed to achieve the desired aesthetic and atmosphere for each scene. Many studios come equipped with standing sets of bars, courtrooms, hospitals, apartments, and other simulated sites frequently needed in shows and films.
Interestingly, the current Mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass, is a fan of the show. She reached out to the team, and they held a screening with her. “She’d been reaching out to Kym and Yvette since the show first premiered on Bounce to do a screening and we finally did it last Sunday,” said Alyson Fouse in an interview. “That was when you felt the true reaction of an audience who mostly hadn’t seen it.” Some other shows filmed in Los Angeles are ‘Loot,’ ‘Abbott Elementary,’ ‘The Golden Girls,’ ‘American Housewife,’ ‘Them,’ and ‘Palm Royale.’
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