Directed by Stefano Mordini, Netflix’s Italian teen drama ‘Adoration’ dives into a complex story about a small-town community’s reaction to the death of teenage girl Elena. The show follows the homicide case through the eyes of a multitude of characters who each have a vested interest as a police investigation probes into the real truth behind the girl’s murder. As such, the narrative spans a variety of memorable locales in the idyllic towns of Latina and Sabaudia, two of which make a particularly prominent impression due to their recurring role throughout the narrative – Caffe Della Patria and Giorgetti’s. The cafe and restaurant become the center of attention at different parts of the story as they connect to the lives of the city’s teenagers and the mess engulfing them.
Caffe Della Patria is a Fictional Cafe With No Connections to Reality
Caffe Della Patria in ‘Adoration’ is a fictional cafe conceived by writers Donatella Diamanti, Giovanni Galassi, and Tommaso Matano, who penned the show’s screenplay. It is the place where Christian works as a barista and also the place where Vera often stops by throughout the narrative. The two characters are regularly seen in and around the vicinity of the shop, which is located in the town’s main square, where people generally go out for shopping or a day out. However, it also serves as a local haunt for Elena’s social circle, with each teenager spending their time leisurely in the cafe’s many-seater establishment. Therefore, it contributes to the overall attractions spread across the town despite never being prominent in a narrative sense.
Although Caffe Della Patria does not exist in real life, its name can be found in general use in real-world establishments. For instance, the Altria Della Patria is a well-known monument in Piazza Venezia, Rome. The similarities between the two names showcase the common use of the phrase Della Patria, which translates to “From the Homeland.” Still, these parallels are superficial, as Caffe Della Patria is a fictional coffee shop that exists within the confines of the show’s story. Filming for ‘Adoration’ took place in Latina and Sabaudia in Italy, which helped connect the story to its setting more naturally and authentically. Therefore, the scenes featuring the coffee store were likely filmed in the area, which helped bring it to life in its actual environment. Still, it remains a fictional creation with no ties to the real world.
Giorgetti’s is a Seaside Restaurant Detached From Any Real-Life Establishments
Another prominent location in ‘Adoration’ is Giorgetti’s restaurant, which is operated by Diana’s parents. Like Caffe Della Patria, it is a fictional establishment crafted by the show’s scriptwriters and plays a significant role throughout the story. During its introduction, viewers learn that Elena works part-time after school hours in the restaurant, where she constantly hands out leftovers to a local homeless person named Ricotta. Diana’s mother often frowns upon this practice and tells Elena to stop, but the teenager remains steadfast in her convictions. Later in the narrative, Elena’s best friend, Vanessa, starts working at the restaurant as a way to stay spiritually close to her friend following her death.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the restaurant is its proximity to the beach. Customers can often dine out on their favorite dishes and simultaneously go out for a swim or suntan in the sands, making it a prime destination for residents. Despite its scenic property and booming business, Diana remains uninterested in the shop’s workings, often butting heads with her parents at being forced to waitress after Elena’s passing. As the show’s first season was filmed in the neighborhoods of Latina and Sabaudia in Italy, the establishment was likely brought to life by transforming a real-life location into Giorgetti’s family cuisine. However, its warm and relaxing interiors remain confined to fiction and cannot be found in reality.
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