The seventh season of Netflix’s teen series ‘Elite’ ends with Iván Carvalho deciding to move to South Africa without his partner Joel. After the death of his father Cruz Carvalho, Iván suffers from severe loneliness and trauma. He also finds it hard to deal with the absence of his ex-boyfriend Patrick, who leaves Madrid with his siblings to open a fresh chapter of his life. Although his best friend Isadora and others help him adapt to the changes in his life, Iván makes it clear that he wants the move. Does that mean André Lamoglia left the Spanish show? Let’s find out! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Iván’s Journey to South Africa
Throughout the seventh season, Iván deals with emotional conflicts one after the other. He fails to figure out why his ex-partner Patrick left him without even talking to him. The enormous house in which he lived with his father Cruz starts to make him unhappy due to the latter’s absence in the same. Even though he finds glimpses of happiness by sharing his life with Joel, he soon realizes that Madrid is not the place where can find comfort. That’s when he meets Fikile Bhele, an African student who visits Las Encinas for an event.
When Bhele learns about Iván’s troubles, she suggests a move to South Africa to him as part of an exchange program so that he can stay away from what makes him uncomfortable in Madrid. Iván likes the idea and nods yes to the same. After applying for the exchange program, he sets out to leave for South Africa. He asks Joel to join him but the former decides against moving to the African country since he doesn’t want to chase Iván. Still, Iván leaves from Las Encinas and Madrid. Since ‘Elite’ has a long history of cast member departures, the viewers can’t be blamed for being concerned about André Lamoglia’s exit as well. Well, here’s what we can share about the same.
André Lamoglia is Set to Conclude Elite
André Lamoglia did not leave ‘Elite.’ In September 2023, the actor was filming the eighth and final season of the Spanish series. He was spotted filming in Madrid, the principal filming location of the series. “See you once again in Las Encinas. Working in progress!” Lamoglia shared in September. Although the actor’s Instagram post makes it clear that he will be back in Las Encinas, it doesn’t mean that he has changed his mind about the South African move. He not only moves to the African country but also shows up in Cape Town’s Parkhurst College, the principal setting of Netflix’s South African teen series ‘Blood & Water.’
Like Khosi Ngema’s Fikile Bhele, a main character in ‘Blood & Water,’ features in the seventh installment of ‘Elite,’ Lamoglia’s Iván will feature in the South African show’s upcoming fourth season, which is scheduled to premiere in 2024. “We’re always looking for what stories are going to have the most drama, the most dramatic impact, emotional impact and really challenge our characters in their emotional journeys. We like to put them through the wringer and so we thought, what better way to do that,” ‘Blood & Water’ creative producer Nosipho Dumisa-Ngoasheng said about Lamoglia’s addition to the cast of the crime drama.
In addition to Lamoglia, the eighth season will feature Omar Ayuso (Omar Shanaa) and Valentina Zenere (Isadora). Mina El Hammani is returning to the show, after featuring for the last time in the fourth season, as Nadia Shanaa. The cast of the final season also includes newcomers Fernando Líndez, Mirela Balić, Gleb Abrosimov, Maribel Verdú, Ane Rot, and Nuno Gallego.
Read More: Elite Season 7: Why Did Carmen Kill Raúl? Will She Get Caught?
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