Portrayed by Breeda Wool and Armando Riesco, respectively, Kacey and Hendricks are important supporting characters in the first season of the Disney+ series ‘National Treasure: Edge of History.’ Kacey is an associate of Billie (Catherine Zeta-Jones), the mysterious crypto billionaire looking for the Pan-American treasure. Kacey is effectively the muscle of Billie’s group, brutal and effective. Billie rarely gets her hands dirty because Kacey is there to do it for her.
Meanwhile, Special Agent Hendricks is one of the few characters who have appeared in both ‘National Treasure’ films and ‘National Treasure: Edge of History.’ If the events of season 1 have made you wonder whether Kacey and Hendricks are dead and Breeda Wool and Armando Riesco left the series, we got you covered. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Kacey and Hendricks’ Tragic Fate
Created by Cormac and Marianne Wibberley, ‘National Treasure: Edge of History’ is set in the same world as the films, though it follows a completely different group of characters. Although the second season hasn’t been confirmed yet, the creators have mentioned in multiple interviews that they would be interested in developing more seasons. Moreover, there is a scene in the first season finale that indicates a prospective season 2. Liam Sadusky arrives at the Pan-American treasure exhibit with a cassette left by his father and grandfather and reveals that it contains “something else” besides information about the Pan-American treasure. Whatever this something is, it will probably serve as a major plot point if the second season is greenlit.
However, both Kacey and Hendricks are dead, so there is little chance of their appearance in the second season. As Billie, Kacey, and Hendricks — who is revealed to be Salazar — make their way through the Devil’s Swamp in search of the treasure, they come across a trap. Rafael recognizes the coyote symbol for what it is, but the people who have taken him and his daughter captive don’t. One of Billie’s underlings becomes affected by the trap and starts shooting wildly. Although Kacey manages to kill him but not before he has taken down their other associates and injured her.
When the wounded Kacey begins to struggle, Hendricks shoots her in the head and calls her a liability. He asserts that the mission of Cras est nostrum — the organization they are all part of — must come before everything else and tells Billie that he is Salazar — the head of Cras est nostrum — for a reason. Billie is reminded of her conversation with Rafael at the Mexican prison. Rafael told her that Salazar called Sebastian a liability before killing him. Realizing that Rafael was telling the truth, she kills Hendricks, taking revenge for both her brother and Kacey.
Breeda Wool and Armando Riesco Are Likely Leaving National Treasure: Edge of History
Given that their respective characters are dead, there is little chance of Breeda Wool and Armando Riesco returning for the prospective season 2, except maybe for the flashback scenes. While their characters play critical roles in the overall narrative, their stories conclude by the end of the first season. We know that after Hendricks’ death, Billie proclaims herself as the new Salazar. This might not sit well with her colleagues in Cras est nostrum as they must be vying for the same position. If the second season does happen, the murder of Hendricks / Salazar will be an important part of the narrative revolving around Billie.
Wool is known for appearing in projects such as ‘Mr. Mercedes’ and ‘The Seven Faces of Jane.’ After ‘National Treasure: Edge of History,’ she is slated to star in the upcoming film ‘Detained.’ Meanwhile, Riesco gained popularity for his work in ‘Queen of the South’ and ‘The Chi.’ The death of his character, along with the death of Peter Sadusky, impacts the franchise as a whole, as they both appear in the two films.
Read More: Who Are the Cras Est Nostrum in National Treasure: Edge of History, Explained