‘Family Karma’ on Bravo explores the lives of Indian Americans residing in Miami, Florida. The reality series, which examines the Indian community in the US, primarily focuses on families who immigrated from India and have lived in the Miami, Florida, region for several generations. The drama and romance-filled series is mainly known for showing viewers the real, uncensored lives of the families. Since its premiere in 2020, it has garnered a massive response due to its engaging and dramatic extravagant content.
Most of the narrative arises out of the romantic interests among the cast members and, as a result, the community-related dramas. One such couple who garnered significant interest among fans was Monica Vaswani and Rish Karam. Their relationship was quite the talk of the town, and their ups and downs made fans intrigued by them. Thus, it is obvious now that fans are eager to know if Monica and Rish are still together. If you’re curious about the same, here’s what we found out!
Monica and Rish’s Family Karma Journey
Recurring cast member, Monica Vaswani, is the 30-year-old former Miss India Virgin Islands who worked as an HR Specialist at Ultimate Software until January 2022. She is now an aspiring Bollywood Choreographer and Digital Content Creator who is a dance fanatic and is considered the “perfect Indian girl” by her community. On the other hand, Rish Karam is an entrepreneur and businessman, currently working as the Managing Partner of S R Concepts. He is also involved in his family’s Pandora jewelry business since 2011 and has been the Co-Founder (with Christopher Corda) of Moksha Indian Brasserie in Miami since 2019.
Monica’s love story has interested her fellow cast members and fans since she first had a “situationship” with her childhood crush, Brian Benni. While she did develop feelings for him at first, it slowly wore out when she did not get the same vibe from him. Later, when Brian showed interest in dating her, Monica realized and said that they were “better-off friends rather than girlfriend-boyfriend” and began searching for someone for him. After this fizzled out, she reportedly began dating Rish Karma in 2020.
Because of the close association among the Indian community in Miami, Monica and Rish were also childhood friends. Monica spoke with Showbiz CheatSheet, saying, “We’ve known each other since we were like nine or 10 years old. Our families have known each other going way back to when my dad was a kid in Hong Kong.” Mentioning that the two always liked one another, Monica added, “I’m a year and a half older than him. So I was always like, ‘he’s too young for me.’” She and Rish finally accepted their feelings and began their relationship, and since then have been going great together.
Monica and Rish Are Still Madly in Love
Yes, Monica Vaswani and Rish Karma are still together and going strong. The two often appear on the show with each other and ensure they have each other’s back. On one occasion, Monica’s father even hinted at them getting hitched by saying, “Put a ring on it” to her when Rish kissed her hand in front of others. She slyly dodged the question since they hadn’t gone that far to discuss their future together. Although, this does not mean that the couple has not faced any challenges.
Rish especially came under scrutiny when their castmate Amrit Kapai told others that he heard at a club about him being unfaithful to Monica. After Brian gave him a heads-up about the discussion, Monica asked her partner about his side of the story upfront. While Rish denied the infidelity, he later explained to her the entire truth that he knew about the group’s discussion from before. He apologized for the misunderstanding and said, “I hope this doesn’t come between us and the trust that we have in our relationship.”
Nevertheless, Monica believed Rish, and they mended their doubts away. As an out-and-out Bollywood girl, she even said she wanted a man who “would watch Bollywood movies with me.” Now that Rish is the one in her life, Monica seemingly finds her dream man in him. Although the couple does not post many pictures together, it’s all love and appreciation between them when they do. As of now, Monica and Rish are taking the relationship slow and keeping a low profile. But as they move further, we only wish them more happiness and love.
Read More: Where Was Family Karma Filmed?
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