‘Asaf’ is a Turkish drama show that follows the story of the titular character after an unfortunate accident sends his life spiraling out of control. Asaf is an Uber driver who’s struggling to make ends meet, especially in the midst of his divorce proceedings. Furthermore, his young son, Atlas, is in need of heart transplant surgery, which the hospital keeps perpetually postponing. Consequently, a roadside accident is the last thing the driver needs. However, the accident ends up unraveling in unpredictable ways as it puts him in the path of powerful—and menacing—individuals at Payen Kuyern, a mysterious high-profile company. The organization retains ties in various corrupt and criminal dealings, which further establishes its looming threat over Asaf’s previously mundane life.
Payen Kuyern is a Mysterious, Fictional Organization
In ‘Asaf’ Payen Kuyern plays a significant role as the central antagonist organization that the protagonist finds himself up against. Despite its early introduction to the plot, the company itself remains shrouded in mystery. One of the instrumental aspects of Payen Kuyern remains its elusive nature. In the show, the company is an expansive organization—a system—that the elite few are a part of. It allows them certain privileges, including monetary and social gains, that are all kept under cover. Eventually, as Payen Kuyern’s reality emerges, it appears to be a company that is ordinary on the surface level but is hiding mountains of corruption and conspiracies.
This builds a compelling identity for Payen Kuyern as a narrative device in Asaf’s storyline. Since the character is a regular driver, it sets him up against a bigger and better adversary. Naturally, this dynamic paves the way for a David vs Goliath storyline. Additionally, its involvement with manipulating hospital waiting lists further adds a sentimental layer to the organization’s towering presence in Asaf’s life. However, while the concept of a corrupt company with a web of conspiracies remains a storytelling stape, Payen Kuyern doesn’t hold any firm counterparts in reality. While corporate corruption is a common instance in real life, the depiction of the same through the on-screen company in ‘Asaf’ remains largely tied to fiction.
As such, there aren’t any evident companies in reality that are entrenched in criminal conspiracies of the same magnitude as Payen Kuyern. The show’s organization is a work of fiction created by Ozgur Onurme and his creative team in service of the plot. The company becomes a criminal nucleus for the show, defining its more intense and dramatic plotlines. From trained killers, eerie company buildings, and connections to the local police department, the organization adds stakes to Asaf’s story through multiple avenues. Nonetheless, at the end of the day, it holds no direct inspiration in reality and ultimately remains confined to the on-screen storyline.
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