HBO Max’s ‘Love and Death’ is a crime drama that follows the story of Candy Montgomery and how her affair with Allan Gore led to the death of his wife, Betty Gore. Starring Elizabeth Olsen in the lead role, the miniseries begins with Candy and Allan stuck in their marriages that get duller by the day. They don’t want to leave their spouses, but they want some excitement, which they hope to get from the affair, with the first rule not to hurt their partners. Despite their best efforts, it all ends in murder and mayhem. When Betty is killed, her family comes out with her husband’s support. Her parents take up a lot of responsibilities, including the care of their granddaughters.
Who were Bob and Bertha Pomeroy?
Charles Robert Pomeroy was a business owner and farmer/stockman. He married Bertha Larean Hancock Pomeroy on January 22, 1949, in Claremore, Oklahoma, following which they moved to Norwich, Kansas. Bertha was born to Toy and Mary Hancock in 1932 in Caney, Kansas. She had a brother, Charles, and three sisters, Lois, Neva, and Loetha. Bob was born to Charles Austin Pomeroy and Myrtle L. Ozbun Pomeroy in 1928 in Argonia, Kansas. He had one brother and two sisters.
Bob and Bertha were business owners and ran a few establishments together. In 1963, they bought the Standard Station and turned it into Pomeroy’s Service. They also opened an office called Pomeroy’s Office. In 1988, they opened a cafe called Bert and Bob’s Cafe, which ran for five years. They were members of the United Methodist Church and the Order of Eastern Star in Norwich.
Bob and Bertha had three children— Betty, Ron, and Richard, five grandchildren— Miles, Nicholas, Jacob, Samuel, and Stacie, and two great-grandchildren— Jordan and Brett. After the death of their daughter, Betty Gore, in 1980, they adopted her daughters, Alisa and Bethany, in 1988, after their father gave over the custody and moved to California. Following the media scrutiny after Betty’s murder, the couple spent the rest of their lives in privacy.
Bob and Bertha Pomeroy Likely Died of Natural Causes
Bob Pomeroy died at the age of 75 on June 13, 2003, presumably, of natural causes. Today, he is laid to rest in Upchurch Cemetery in Norwich, Kingman County, Kansas. His wife, Bertha Pomeroy, died at the age of 77 on January 4, 2010, presumably, of natural causes in Conway Springs, Kansas. She is laid to rest alongside her husband in Upchurch Cemetery, where they both rest today.
Bob and Bertha Pomeroy were upstanding citizens, loved by their family and friends. The tragic death of their daughter shook their lives, but they hoped for justice. When Candy Montgomery was acquitted of the crime, they expressed disappointment with the verdict. They did not find Candy’s argument of self-defense believable. Bob Pomeroy said: “As far as I’m concerned, justice will be served. She has to live with it. I wouldn’t say I was happy with the verdict. We don’t know what happened, and we never will know what happened.”
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