Denver or Daniel Ramos, also known as Ricardo (Jaime Lorente), is the brashest and most temperamental member of the ‘Money Heist’ crew. He became part of the Royal Mint heist after his father, Moscow, invited him to join as the former had some issues with drug traffickers. He fulfills the role of a brawler in the crew. In the course of the first heist, Denver loses his father but develops a romantic relationship with one of the hostages, Mónica Gaztambide (Esther Acebo), the secretary and mistress of the Mint’s then-director, Arturo Román. When the third season begins, Denver is living in Indonesia with Mónica and helping her raise her and Arturo’s son, Cincinnati.
After learning that the authorities have taken Rio and the Professor wants to organize another heist, Denver is the most vocal group member in his objection. However, he ultimately joins along with Mónica, who uses the alias Stockholm. Towards the end of season 5 part 1, Denver is inconsolable like the rest of the crew following Tokyo’s death. If you are wondering whether he survives in ‘Money Heist’ season 5 part 2, we got you covered. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Does Denver Die in Money Heist?
No, Denver doesn’t die in ‘Money Heist’ season 5 part 2. In the final scene of the series, Denver boards a helicopter along with the rest of the crew and leaves Spain. He is as volatile in part 2 of the fifth season as he has always been. Manila, his childhood friend, earlier confessed to him that she loved him. In part 2, he admits to her that he had been struggling while living with Stockholm in Indonesia. He would spend days partying and not tell Stockholm where he was. He even reveals to Manila that he once called her but put down the phone without telling her who he was.
For Denver, Manila represents what his life used to be. He even ends up kissing her. However, he subsequently feels so guilty that he immediately confesses to Stockholm, who is having her own share of troubles. While the heist is still going on, they decide to work through their issues. They reconcile and have sex. When the government forces break into the bank, they find them still nude.
After the Professor arrives at the bank, Denver panics when Tamayo disregards the Professor’s threat about the financial crisis. It is revealed that during the preparation, Denver vehemently opposed the plan of betting their lives on whether or not the market would tumble. Seeing an opening, Tamayo takes him away from the rest and offers him money and immunity for both him and Stockholm. However, as hot-headed and impulsive as Denver is, he is not a traitor. So, he refuses to cooperate with the authorities and is subsequently arrested.
After Tamayo announces that the rest of the crew has been killed, Denver breaks down crying before realizing it is all a ruse. The heist has been a success, and his friends now have the gold. He later reunites with Stockholm and the rest of the crew at a military base and receives a new passport. The final scene shows him on that helicopter along with others, heading toward a new life and complete freedom.
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