‘FUBAR’ is a Netflix action comedy series following two CIA Operatives, Luke Brunner (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and his daughter, Emma Brunner (Monica Barbaro). After the father and daughter learn of each other’s ties to the agency, they are assigned to work together and take down powerful arms dealer Boro Polonia. However, Boro proves to be a handful for the CIA as his intellect and business acumen help him establish alliances that help him evade the agency. Therefore, viewers must wonder if Boro Polonia is based on a real arms dealer. SPOILERS AHEAD!
Who Is Boro Polonia?
Boro Polonia is introduced in the series premiere episode of ‘FUBAR,’ and actor Gabriel Luna essays the role. Luna made his screen acting debut in the 205 drama film ‘Fall to Grace.’ He gained recognition for his performance as popular soccer star Tony “Matador” Bravo in the short-lived drama series ‘Matador.’ However, Luna is arguably best known as Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider in the Marvel Comics-based superhero drama series ‘Agents of SHIELD.’ His performance as Tommy in the post-apocalyptic drama series ‘The Last of Us‘ has also been well-received.
In ‘FUBAR,’ Luna plays Boro Polonia, an arms dealer from Guyana, and appears alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger. The series marks the second collaboration between Luna and Schwarzenegger following 2019’s poorly received action-drama ‘Terminator: Dark Fate.’ In the series, Luke Brunner killed Boro’s father, a powerful warlord in Guyana, during a CIA mission. Luke felt guilty and took over the responsibility of Boro, paying for his education and looking after his needs. As a result, Boro considers Luke a father figure. However, unbeknownst to Boro, Luke returns to Guyana as the mercenary Finn Hoss to take down Boro after he becomes a powerful arms dealer.
Boro Polonia Is A Fictional Arms Dealer
No, Boro Polonia is not based on any real arms dealer. The character is a fictional entity crafted by the show’s makers. He serves as a foil to the father-daughter pair of Luke and Emma Bruner, making him the show’s principal antagonist. Although the character is not directly based on any real arms dealer, there is likely some real inspiration behind Boro. In reality, arms dealers or arms brokers are extremely influential in Africa. As a result, Boro seems to be a representation of arms dealers and their place in the real-world socio-political context. Boro is also involved in the illegal drug trade and smuggling and identifies as a businessman instead of an arms dealer.
In an interview with Daman, Luna spoke about his character in ‘FUBAR.’ “In FUBAR, my character Boro Polonia is an incredibly charismatic Oxford and Wharton-educated businessman who applies those skills to a career in the illegal arms trade,” he said. In a separate interview, Luna stated that he saw Boro as a businessman who turned a blind eye to the terrorism caused by his actions. However, Luna also noted that Boro is emotionally volatile regarding personal issues. The same is evident in Boro and Luke’s relationship, which, despite having a shade of a father-son bond, sees them at odds with one another. Ultimately, Boro Polonia is a fictional character who is a direct antithesis of the main characters, Luke and Emma Brunner.
Read More: FUBAR: Is Sardovia a Real Country?
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