GAC Family’s ‘Much Ado About Christmas’ follows the life of Haley Lloyd, who is admired for her selfless activities in the neighborhood. During the holiday season, she strikes a bond with a hopeless romantic, Claud Miller, and starts dating him without disclosing her affluent background. What follows is a turn of events that affect Haley’s relationships in varying degrees, but with Christmas at the door as a solace.
‘Much Ado About Christmas’ is a modern retelling of William Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado About Nothing,’ in a sparkling Christmas setting. The TV movie infuses the joy and harmony of the season to depict distinct relationships Haley nurtures in her life. The cheerful nights welcoming Christmas bring Haley the guiding light she needs to move forward with her mother and boyfriend. Inspired by the mesmerizing city bathed in Christmas delight, we dug in to find out where ‘Much Ado About Christmas’ was filmed. Let’s take a look!
Much Ado About Christmas Filming Locations
Sources revealed that the filming for ‘Much Ado About Christmas’ commenced in July 2021 and went on till August 2021. While travel restrictions were key determinants of where a production team would decide to shoot a film or TV series, things are smoother on that front in 2021. Now let’s go through the details of where the movie was shot.
Bucharest, Romania
‘Much Ado About Christmas’ was primarily filmed in Bucharest, the capital city of Romania. Located in the southeast portion of the country, Bucharest is a splendid city that lies on the banks of the Dâmbovița River and north of the Danube River. Renowned as the “Paris of the East,” the city offers a magnificent backdrop with architecture ranging from Neoclassical to modern.
The crew of the movie transformed the Romanian summer into the holiday season with much effort. The spectacular Bucharest streets were decorated with lights and colors to bring out the liveliness of Christmas. The buildings and pathways were filled with fake snow for filming with occasional faux snowfalls to enhance the romance between Haley and Claud.
Bucharest’s neo-Romanian establishments and architecture enrich the visual appeal of the film. The city of Bucharest also houses a variety of classical interiors which are extensively used in the film. Castel Film Studios, a production company based in Bucharest, provided crew members and essential services for the duration of filming. Several technicians who worked in the movie are also from Romania.
Over the years, Bucharest has become a go-to filming location for Christmas movies. Hallmark’s ‘A Royal Christmas,’ ‘Crown for Christmas,’ and ‘Christmas in Rome’ are some of the significant Christmas-themed films that were shot in the city. Other popular productions which were filmed in Bucharest include ‘Killing Eve,’ ‘The Nun,’ and ‘The Expendables 3,’ just to name a few.
Much Ado About Christmas Cast
Susie Abromeit, who is known for her performance in Marvel’s ‘Jessica Jones,’ portrays the high-spirited protagonist Haley Lloyd. Torrance Coombs, known for his performance in ‘The Tudors,’ essays the role of Claud Miller, the romantic interest of Haley. The main cast also features Jacinta Mulcahy as Haley’s mother, Leona Lloyd, James Rottger as Ben, Emma Colling as Bea, Olivier Raynal as Don, and Jimmy Townsend as Walter.
Read More: Best Christmas Movies on Netflix
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