Created by Alice Oseman, Netflix’s ‘Heartstopper‘ is a British coming-of-age romantic show that tells the heart-touching story of Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson, whose friendship soon blossoms into something else. As time goes on, both discover more about themselves and each other. One of the biggest reasons behind the show’s popularity since its release has been the fantastic work done by actors Joe Locke and Kit Connor when it comes to portraying Charlie and Nick, respectively. In fact, their on-screen chemistry has made people wonder about their respective love lives and if the two might be together.
Joe Locke and Kit Connor’s Journey Together
‘Heartstopper’ is an adaptation of Alice Oseman’s graphic novel of the same name, first released in 2016. The news of it being converted into a television series overjoyed the comic fans, as they could not wait to see their favorite characters on the screen. After deciding that Joe Locke would be a suitable candidate to portray Charlie Spring, he was asked to have a chemistry read with two other actors who had a shot at getting the role of Nick Nelson, including Kit Connor. Interestingly, the latter had originally auditioned for Charlie’s character but soon found his calling in Nick.
As for the chemistry read between them, Connor and Locke seem to remember the time quite fondly, agreeing that they did indeed get along right off the bat. “It was a very interesting day. It was so helpful because it did give us all a few hours to get to know each other and befriend one another.” Connor told Entertainment Weekly. “By the time we were filming and rehearsing, it was like, at least we knew each other. I think immediately the team could see some chemistry between the whole cast.”
The bond Connor and Locke formed during the production process was well-reflected during their scenes in the show and real-life interactions. During the various interviews and promotional events, the camaraderie between them allowed the public to understand just how at ease they were with each other. However, it is not uncommon for fans to often wonder if a real-life romance might be the reason behind such an undeniably excellent on-screen dynamic.
Locke has been quite open about his sexuality and is proud to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community. That said, he has never had an official “coming out,” or at least not in the conventional sense. “I think coming out is stupid, that it’s still a thing that people have to do,” he talked about his sentiments on the same with The New York Times. On the other hand, Connor’s public reveal of his bisexuality was perhaps not the most happy occasion.
Connor had come out in a now-deleted Twitter post after many in the public stated he was queerbaiting. “Telling someone you’re gay or bi or part of the queer community, there’s a thing where you feel like they might see you differently or think that it would change who you are,” he said. “For me, it’s just who I am. Coming out didn’t change me.” Despite the unfortunate circumstances in which the reveal took place, the development also led many fans to ponder again whether the two might be together. Besides, their recent performances in ‘Heartstopper’ season 2 only make even more people curious about the same.
Joe Locke and Kit Connor Are Likely Not Together
As of writing, it does not seem like Joe Locke and Kit Connor are together. From all accounts, it is evident that the two are good friends who enjoy working with each other and have quite a good relationship. The actors have never indicated that they might be romantically involved and are pretty dedicated to their work. If anything, it seems like both are happily single and are looking forward to all the opportunities that life might bring next in their way.
Talking about their continued work in the Netflix show, the arc that Locke and Connor’s characters have taken in the show has only made fans eager to see how the story of Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson will unfold. Many fans of the show have expressed admiration that the roles are being played by people close to the age of the characters themselves, which adds to the believability of the whole story. Perhaps that might be the reason that Locke and Connor have been linked together so often, but as we have shared earlier, the two certainly do not seem romantically involved in any way.
Read More: Is Heartstopper’s Kit Connor Bisexual? Is Joe Locke Gay in Real Life?
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