‘Good Witch‘ is a comedy-drama series that revolves around the mother-daughter duo Cassie and Grace, who share the powerful gift of insight and intuition and use it to help people of their neighborhood in the fictional town of Middleton. Based on the characters created by Rod Spence, the show is a continuation of ‘The Good Witch’ television film series and is developed by the original film’s director Craig Pryce along with Sue Tenney.
In the show, Catherine Bell reprises her role as Cassandra “Cassie” Nightingale, while Bailee Madison appears as her daughter Grace for the first five seasons. Madison departed the series after five seasons, but a recent development in the narrative of the show’s seventh season has fans buzzing over the possibility of her return. So, is the former cast member returning to the hit fantasy dramedy series? Here’s everything we know!
Why Did Bailee Madison Leave Good Witch?
When ‘Good Witch’ first premiered back in 2015, Bailee Madison captured the viewers’ hearts with her charming performance as the adorable and smart-talking teenager, Grace. The character is first introduced in the series premiere episode, and like her mom, tries to use her gifts to help others. However, Grace also struggles to keep her powers a secret, which often causes conflicts in her life.
Grace last appears in the season 5 finale titled ‘The Graduation,’ where her character is seen graduating high school and heading off to college. Madison left the series to pursue different career opportunities after 5 seasons and 55 appearances (including 4 specials). She penned a heartfelt note to fans of the show explaining the reasons behind her departure. The talented actor wrote, “As one chapter ends, a new one begins which is even more exciting and unexpected than the previous one.”
Madison added, “Grace has been a character whose journey throughout the years has often mirrored my own and this season she is tackling what it’s like to step out of her comfort zone, valuing and standing up for her worth and challenging herself in new ways, looking boldly into the future and all the possibilities before her. I couldn’t be more grateful for the new adventures ahead, and to have you all along with me on the ride as my story continues to be written, it’s a thrilling one.”
Is Bailee Madison Returning To Good Witch?
Since leaving ‘Good Witch,’ Bailee Madison’s career has been on the rise, and the former Disney star has made numerous television and film appearances. Most recently, she can be seen in the lead role opposite fellow former Disney star Kevin Quinn in the Netflix musical film ‘A Week Away.’
In a 2019 interview with ET Online, actress Catherine Bell expressed her desire to see Madison return to the show. “My dream is that she gets to come back for a couple of episodes. I don’t know schedule-wise when it’ll happen, but I know that she’s working on some great projects right now,” Bell said. Madison’s farewell note and Bell’s words suggest that the door is open for her former co-star to make a comeback on the show.
Since Madison is an extremely sought-after talent, we imagine her schedule is packed with new projects. However, it seems like the actress might be making a return after all. In the sixth season finale of ‘Good Witch,’ the Merriwick women, Cassie, Abigail, and Joy, receive a bag of soil each that becomes the central mystery in the seventh season. Fans have been hoping that Madison’s character Grace, also a Merriwick woman, will return to help solve the mystery of the soil bags.
A press release for season 7 episode 3 suggests that Madison is indeed set to reprise her role. The actress is mentioned in the cast list for the episode released by the network. Additionally, in the promo for the new episode, Cassie mentions that Grace is returning home after spending six months in Spain. You can check out the promo here. While the actress herself hasn’t confirmed her return, fans should definitely be excited as there is every chance Bailee Madison is returning to ‘Good Witch’ in the new episode titled ‘The Delivery’ set to air on May 30, 2021, on Hallmark network.
Read More: Who is Bailee Madison Dating?
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