Peacock’s ‘The Continental’ is an action-thriller series set in the same universe as the ‘John Wick‘ films. The series is a prequel detailing Winston Scott’s rise to power in 1970s New York City. Winston goes on a whirlwind journey, discovering the secret underworld of criminals and deadly assassins seeking asylum in the titular hotel. Given the show’s connection to the mainline films starring Keanu Reeves as the eponymous hitman, viewers must be curious whether the actor makes an appearance in ‘The Continental.’ SPOILERS AHEAD!
Keanu Reeves Does Not Appear in The Continental
Keanu Reeves is arguably the heart of the ‘John Wick’ franchise films. In the movies, Reeves brilliantly portrays the former hitman turned family man “John Wick,” aka Jardani Jovonovich. Reeves, who rose to prominence with his role as Neo in ‘The Matrix‘ films, showcases his action prowess with the titular role in the ‘John Wick’ franchise primarily directed by Chad Stahelski. The franchise started with the first installment released in 2014 and continues to expand, branching into the television side of things with ‘The Continental.’
‘The Continental’ serves as a prequel/spin-off to the mainline films starring Reeves in the lead roles. However, the series’ primary focus is on Winston Scott, an ally of Reeves’ John Wick and the general manager of the titular hotel. The prequel series is understandably set decades before the movies and takes place in the 1970s. As a result, Keanu Reeves is not expected to appear in the series, primarily due to storytelling limitations.
In the franchise, it is established that John was born on September 12, 1964. As a result, John would roughly be a pre-teen or in his early teenage years during the events of the prequel series. Hence, it does not make sense for Reeves to reprise his uber-popular role despite the television series sharing close ties with the movies featuring the iconic action star. Nonetheless, given Winston’s close relationship with John, a cameo appearance from a younger version of the character with a younger actor playing the role is not entirely out of the question. However, neither Reeves nor John Wick has been advertised to be a part of the prequel series in any way.
The last viewers saw Reeves’ John Wick was in 2023’s ‘John Wick: Chapter 4,’ where he seemingly met his demise. However, the film’s intentionally open ending leaves the door open for Reeves to reprise his role in a potential fifth installment rumored to be in the cards. Meanwhile, John Wick fans can look forward to “Baba Yaga” appearing in the upcoming spin-off film ‘Ballerina’ starring Ana de Armas. The movie will be set between the third and fourth mainline movies in the ‘John Wick’ franchise and is expected to release on June 7, 2024. Reeves has been confirmed to be reprising his role in the spin-off film in at least an extended cameo capacity.
Read More: Winston Scott’s Major John Wick Choice, Explained
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