Netflix’s ‘Love Village’ is a heartwarming Japanese dating series hosted by Atsushi Tamura and Becky. It follows various singles looking forward to finding a romantic match they can hopefully spend the rest of their lives with. Disconnected from the rest of the world, the participants must work together to renovate their humble abode and live a simplistic lifestyle. After all, what better way to find a perfect partner than being with them every day?
As the reality show unfolds, the participants go through various ups and downs as they learn to live with each other. Besides, the decision to agree or not agree to someone’s proposal is often hard to make, and the courage to actually profess one’s love can be even more challenging. However, many viewers are eager to know if the show is as legitimate as it seems, and we are here to share what we know about the same!
Is Love Village Scripted?
We believe that ‘Love Village’ is not a scripted series. The cast members seen in the show are seemingly from the general public, though some do have ties to the entertainment sector. Their desire to find their love match seems genuine, and almost every candidate is open to submitting themselves to the process. As expected, viewers do not get to see each moment the participants spend in the house, yet the highlights we enjoy seem informative enough.
Interestingly, the reality show is not simply a social experiment but merges the well-known genre with the reaction format. It seems like hosts Atsushi Tamura and Becky met weekly in front of a live audience to watch the show themselves as any viewer would. Their reactions and commentary have been added to the final cut, and viewers get to enjoy that as well. While not the norm when it comes to dating shows, the format does seem to be suiting many in the public. Ultimately, there is a reason that the reaction format has become such a beloved form of entertainment. The exclamations and reactions of the two hosts certainly allow us to feel like we are not alone in what we think.
As for the show’s conception, ‘Love Village’ is a part of Netflix’s push to create unscripted content for the country. “Japan’s love affair with unscripted content goes back to the 1950s and remains one of the country’s most dominant forms of entertainment,” Mitsuko Koyabashi and Taro Goto, Netflix’s Managers for Live-Action Creative in Japan, shared. “From comedy shows to competition shows, Japan’s lean-back variety programs offer the sort of comforting entertainment people have come to expect from television, while reality shows tap into a great enthusiasm for living vicariously through the real-world adventures of on-screen personalities.”
Indeed, few do not know just how beloved reality TV is in Japan, and it seems like ‘Love Village’ is on its way to becoming a treasured addition to the roster of famous reality shows that have originated in the country. The series may have its fair share of dramatic moments but does not seem to follow a set plot. In fact, the simplistic environment in which the contestants reside during the experiment adds to the show’s overall genuineness.
Read More: Where is Netflix’s Love Village Filmed?
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