The ninth TV series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), ‘Secret Invasion’ is an action-adventure series that revolves around Nick Fury and Talos, who form an alliance to defeat and stop the Skrulls from invading the Earth for sinister purposes. Created by Kyle Bradstreet, the Marvel series features brilliant onscreen performances from a talented cast comprising Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Cobie Smulders, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Emilia Clarke, and more. Upon its premiere, the action show opened to mostly positive reviews from critics as it gradually takes the beloved characters in a much more mature direction. So, if you have been following the MCU, you must be eager to know more about this show. In that case, we have got you covered!
What is Secret Invasion About?
The narrative follows Nick Fury as he discovers a huge conspiracy regarding shapeshifting Skrulls who plan to invade and gain control of the Earth. So, he contacts his allies, including Everett K. Ross, Maria Hill, and Talos, and forms a team as they race against time to stop the sinister Skrulls in their tracks and save humanity. Will Fury and his team be able to succeed in their mission, or will the Skrulls take over the Earth? To find that out, you will have to watch the series yourself. Here are all the ways you can do so!
Is Secret Invasion on Netflix?
Netflix subscribers might be disappointed that ‘Secret Invasion’ is not a part of its content catalog. But the streaming giant more than makes up for it by giving you access to excellent alternatives, such as ‘The Imperfects‘ and ‘The Guardians of Justice.’
Is Secret Invasion on Disney+?
We bring good news for Disney+ subscribers! ‘Secret Invasion’ is available for streaming on the platform, and you can catch all the episodes right here!
Is Secret Invasion on HBO Max?
We hate to inform you that HBO Max doesn’t include ‘Secret Invasion’ in its library. However, don’t let it disappoint you because the streamer offers plenty of similar shows, including ‘Peacemaker‘ and ‘Doom Patrol.’
Is Secret Invasion on Hulu?
No, Hulu does not house ‘Secret Invasion’ in its expansive collection. Meanwhile, you can always turn to excellent alternatives that the streamer offers, such as ‘Legion‘ and ‘The Gifted.’
Is Secret Invasion on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime subscribers must look for ‘Secret Invasion’ on other platforms as it is unavailable on the streaming giant. Nonetheless, it houses plenty of similar shows you can enjoy, including ‘The Boys‘ and ‘The Tick.’
Where to Watch Secret Invasion Online?
Apart from Disney+, ‘Secret Invasion’ has also been released on Apple TV+. Besides that, you don’t have any other option to watch the Emilia Clarke starrer online. Hence, we suggest you subscribe to either of the platforms to get access to the Marvel series instantly!
How to Stream Secret Invasion For Free?
Fortunately, Hulu and Apple TV+ offer their new subscribers a 30-day and 7-day free trial, respectively. So, you can take advantage of any of these offers to stream ‘Secret Invasion’ without any cost. That said, we humbly request our readers to always pay for the content they wish to consume and support the art of cinema instead of resorting to illegal methods to do the same.
Read More: Where is Secret Invasion Filmed?