CBS’ legal drama show, ‘Matlock’ reboots the original eponymous 1980s show starring Andy Griffith as the titular lawyer, Ben Matlock. However, in Jennie Snyder Urman’s gender-flipped reboot, the narrative centers around a different namesake attorney, Madeline Matlock, who has recently found herself returning to the workforce. Fortunately for her, as a woman in her 70s, she can get her foot in many doors undetected if she’s careful enough. As a result, the lawyer manages to score herself an opportunity at one of the most notable law firms in the city, Jacobson Moore. Thus, as Madeline equips her wit to prove her worth, her journey begins as Olympia’s associate, a title she shares with two younger rookies, Sarah and Billy.
While Madeline and her predecessor Matlock, Ben’s similarities as attorneys at law remain evident, and little else seems to tie the two characters together. Therefore, fans are bound to wonder how Griffith’s Ben Matlock connects to Kathy Bates’ Madeline. SPOILERS AHEAD!
Ben Matlock is a Fictional Character in the Matlock Reboot
From the get-go, Madeline “Matty” Matlock’s shared last name with Andy Griffith’s Ben Matlock raises an intriguing question about the relationship between the two characters. Therefore, fans of the latter will inevitably find themselves speculating if Madeline is simply a gender-bent reiteration of the character or if Ben Matlock is her in-universe relative. As it turns out, neither of these theories holds true in the canon of the 2024, ‘Matlock.’ In the reboot, the original ‘Matlock’ series and Ben Matlock’s character are both actually works of fiction, similar to how they exist in the real world.
Consequently, the fact that Matty is also a Matlock in the law profession naturally draws a parallel between her and Ben Matlock. For the same reason, she often finds herself clarifying to her peers that even though she shares the fictional character Ben Matlock’s last name, it’s a purely coincidental fact. In turn, the show farms plenty of humor from the unusual situation, sprinkling references and nods to the original show throughout its storyline. In fact, one instance finds Matty’s co-workers, Sarah and Billy, even playing the theme song of the 1980s ‘Matlock’ after Matty’s permanent appointment at Jacobson Moore. Thus, as far as relating Matty’s character to the original ‘Matlock’ goes—the reboot certainly employs a fun route!
Madeline Matlock’s Surprising Connection to Ben Matlock
While the show cements Ben Matlock’s fictionality within the reboot legal drama series early on in its storyline, the narrative still holds onto one unpredictable secret about his connection to Matty. At the end of episode 1, it’s revealed that Madeline Matlock’s real name is actually Madeline Kingston. Initially, Matty pretends to be an old widow whose good-for-nothing husband has left her in mounts of gambling debt. Therefore, since she has had to care for her young grandson all alone, she has found herself brushing up her resume and returning to work.
Nevertheless, this backstory is really just a cover for Matty’s actual motives. Even though it is true that Matty is a lawyer who hasn’t worked for some time, in actuality, she managed to earn enough during her career to sustain a luxurious living for herself and her family. Thus, the lawyer isn’t looking for a livelihood at Jacobson Moore. Instead, she’s looking for revenge. Years ago, Matty lost her daughter to drug addiction. As it turns out, Jacobson Moore played a huge role in bringing Opioids to the market by burying a document that could’ve prevented its introduction to the country. Hence, Jacobson, his son, Julian, or the latter’s soon-to-be-ex-wife, Olympia, are to blame for the local Opioid crisis.
As a result, Matty plans on infiltrating their ranks to uncover the truth about the document and bring justice to her daughter’s tragic death. For the same reason, she has equipped the secret identity of Madeline Matlock, utilizing her daughter’s favorite fictional lawyer, Ben Matlock, as the inspiration for her alias. As such, Matty’s connection to Ben Matlock is actually an intentional in-universe decision that directly ties into her narrative.
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