DreamWorks’ animated fantasy adventure film, ‘Orion and the Dark,’ features a compelling story about a young kid facing his fears over the course of one wild night spent in the presence of numerous Night Entities. The film charts a hopeful and electrifying narrative as Orion embarks on his nighttime quest with the giant, friendly Dark by his side, whom people have misunderstood for ages. After a myriad of overwhelming experiences, Orion’s journey comes to an end on a comforting note, urging viewers to delve into their own fears and insecurities with patience and sympathy.
The film remains evidently made with love and care, poured into its every aspect— from screenwriting and voice acting to animation. Thus, as the film ends with a tribute to the memory of Meghan Noyes, it must have grabbed the viewers’ attention, compelling them to wonder about the woman’s identity and story.
Meghan Noyes Was a Production Coordinator at DreamWorks Animation
Meghan Kendal Noyes was born in 1996 to Sharon and Joe Noyes. She grew up in San Jose, where she attended Archbishop Mitty High School in the Evergreen School District. The woman maintained a love and talent for soccer in her life and earned the titles All First Team WCAL and First Team San Jose Mercury News during her senior year. In 2014, she graduated with honors in academics and athletics and went on to enroll at Chapman University, where she continued to play soccer.
However, Noyes’ interests expanded, bringing her to the Dodge School of Film, from where she earned her graduation in 2018. Thus began her journey into a career in animation, starting off in Palo Alto’s Parent Lab and ending up in DreamWorks. During her time at the latter animation company, the woman worked on the TV show, ‘Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous,’ as the production assistant. Her filmmaking career also includes her animation work on an independent short, ‘Cyrus the Unsinkable.’
In her personal life, Noyes was a nature lover with an adventurous streak who enjoyed skiing and hiking alongside friendly and comforting sports with her friends and family. Yet, she remained “a gritty opponent” in soccer games, where her competitiveness came out. A huge fan of artist Jason Mraz, she lived in Highland Park with her high school sweetheart-turned-fiancé, Geoffrey Lang, and their dog, Finn.
Noyes likely became a part of ‘Orion and The Dark’s’ production team when the film entered development. However, her Acute Myeloid Leukemia, for which she underwent a Bone Marrow Transplant in 2019, ended up throwing an unfortunate wrench in the young woman’s plans.
How Did Meghan Noyes Die?
For three years, Noyes faced an overwhelming battle against her cancer. The woman documented her journey on her Instagram page, constantly updating her followers on her story. Despite the bleak circumstances, Noyes tried to maintain a positive outlook. In one of her very first posts, discussing her 2021 Bone Marry Transplant, the woman said, “Behind every smile is sadness and anger to be in this position again. But with every bad day, there is a good one and a reminder to remain as positive as possible.”
Unfortunately, on October 23, 2022, at the age of 26, Noyes passed away. Following her death, one of the woman’s brothers, Connor, shared his and his family, including his parents and brother Ryan’s gratitude to Noyes’ Instagram family. “Losing her to cancer this past weekend has been the hardest thing we’ve ever had to face; however, I know she’s at peace now with a beer in her hand, a soccer ball at her feet, and a radiant smile on her face,” said Connor in his post. Alongside her family, Meghan Noyes is survived by the Meghan Kendal Noyes Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance to those who may need it for high school or college.
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