Based on Naoki Urasawa’s manga series of the same name, Netflix’s ‘Pluto’ is a Japanese anime series that revolves around a series of perplexing murders. In the series, robotic inspector Gesicht is tasked with uncovering the truth behind the murders, which directly leads him to a deeper conspiracy that exploits the already fragile relationship between humans and robots. In the process, Gesicht realizes some of his memories are missing. These missing memories play an important role in Gesicht’s investigation and also provide an intriguing take on the idea of robots feeling human emotions. If you are looking for answers about Gesicht’s past, particularly his missing memories, here is everything you need to know! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Gesicht’s Missing Memories
Gesicht is a robot detective working for Europol and the primary protagonist of ‘Pluto.’ He is investigating a series of robot and human murders that are inexplicably linked to each other. However, during these investigations, Gesicht starts wondering whether a robot is capable of murdering humans, especially since their programming prevents them from attacking humans. In the process, Gesicht has a recurring vision that he initially deems a nightmare. In the vision, Gesicht sees a man asking him for money in exchange for purchasing a nearly defunct robot.
As the narrative progresses, it becomes evident that Gesicht’s visions are from memories missing from his consciousness. Gesicht comes into contact with Adolf Haas, a German trader who wants to kill him. Gesicht realizes that he is responsible for the murder of Adolf’s brother. Although Gesicht does not admit his involvement in the murder, it becomes clear to him that his memories were erased because he had committed the murder of a human in the past.
Gesicht’s Past, Explained
While Gesicht investigates the murder, he uncovers a plot to kill the seven strongest robots in the world. In the meantime, Gesicht also wants to uncover the truth about his past, especially his missing memories. Gesicht believes that robots cannot feel hatred, an emotion necessary for committing a crime like murder. However, Adolf is adamant that Gesicht killed his brother. Later, Gesicht himself finds evidence that his memories were killed because he killed a human. While searching for details about Sahad, an advanced robot he believes was used in creating Pluto, Gesicht travels to the Netherlands, where he finally unlocks his memories.
Ultimately, Gesicht remembers the incidents leading up to the murder of Adolf’s brother at his hands during his interaction with a robot helper in the Netherlands. While working, Gesicht had discovered an old, nearly defunct robot. However, the robot still showed a will to fight for its life, prompting Gesicht to bring it home. Gesicht and his wife, Helena, raised the robot like their own child and named it Robito. However, Adolf’s brother, who had his own tragic past with the robots, killed robot children, including Gesicht and Helena’s child. As a result, Gesicht developed immense hatred and killed Adolf’s brother in cold blood.
When Gesicht recollects his time with Robito, he is shot and killed by the robot helper, resembling his child. The tragedy of Gesicht’s missing memories becomes even more emotional as he dies moments after learning the truth. Robots and their inability to truly feel and experience a wide range of emotions is a recurring theme of the series. Through Gesicht’s tragic past, the series explores this theme while subverting the amnesiac protagonist trope commonly seen in cyberpunk fiction. Furthermore, Gesicht’s missing memories add another layer to the debate about robots receiving rights equal to humans, which is an important plot point in the overall narrative.
Read More: Pluto Anime Ending, Explained
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