Professor T: Exploring All Filming Locations of the Show

The British crime series, ‘Professor T,’ immerses viewers in the intriguing world of forensic criminology professor Jasper Tempest. Featuring Ben Miller in the acclaimed role of the titular genius with various symptoms of autism and obsessive-compulsive disorders, the drama witnesses him aiding Emma Naomi’s Detective Inspector Lisa Donckers in solving complex crimes. The ITV show, created by Matt Baker and Malin-Sarah Gozin, is a remake of the Belgian series by Paul Piedfort and premiered in 2021 to a positive reception from critics and audience.

‘Professor T’ begins with an attack on Tempest’s university campus, prompting Detective Donckers to seek his expertise due to similarities with an old case. Despite his academic brilliance, Tempest’s engagement with crime extends beyond his classroom, complicating his work relationship with the cops. The picturesque backdrop of campuses amidst an investigation creates a layer of authenticity. The show’s locations play a crucial role in tying up its association with crime and education, generating curiosity among viewers regarding the details of its filming.

Where is Professor T Filmed?

‘Professor T’ is extensively set in the prestigious Cambridge University, where Jasper Tempest teaches and spends most of his screen time, including his interactions with law enforcement. Justifying the script to maximum effect, the drama series is primarily filmed in England in the United Kingdom. Production of the British show also extends to locations in continental Europe, with Belgium serving as the secondary location. The first season of shooting in the country was completed by December 2020.

Cambridge, England

‘Professor T’ is filmed in the city of Cambridge, located in Cambridgeshire, a ceremonial county in England. Most scenes are primarily recorded on the historic grounds of Cambridge University and its various affiliated campuses, with the intention of capturing the authentic academic backdrop. Jesus College, located at Jesus Lane, is often featured in serving exterior shots of Tempest’s academic base, college grounds, football pitches, and courts. The iconic structures of this campus, including the Chimney passageway, Chapel Court, and First Court with the San Marco Horse statue, feature prominently in the series.

The scenes depicting Tempest’s family home are filmed at Little Trinity, located at 16 Jesus Lane, an 18th-century house renowned for its historical significance and well-preserved original fittings. Ben Miller is no stranger to Cambridge, having attended Saint Catherine’s College in the 1980s. In an interview with iNews, Miller noted that he found it surreal for his character to arrive at the same premises he knew well from his university days, including a house at Jesus College where a close friend once lived.

Other key locations around the extensive university town where the detective show is taped include Gonville and Caius College, situated at Trinity Street. The scenes where Tempest is seen meditating on a rooftop overlooking the city were shot here. Founded in the 14th century, the college’s central location and historic architecture provide a stunning backdrop for these deeper moments, suggesting the professor’s strong bond with this place. Additionally, a few scenes are also lensed at Reality Checkpoint, an iconic lamppost in Parker’s Piece in the heart of the city.

In addition to the historical university campus, the visual aesthetic of ‘Professor T’ also relies on certain outer premises. For season 3, the production team filmed in an actual prison to add to the grandeur aspects of the show as one of the major characters is placed in jail. Emma Naomi and Barney White, who plays her on-screen boyfriend, Dan Winters, spoke in an interview on how with increasing success, the houses they investigate are becoming larger.

Talking about it, White said, “The inmates had only moved out two or three weeks before we were in there. So that felt very real and present, so yeah.” He added, “The prison that we visited, what was written on the walls, what was etched in the tables, little things like that… that’s definitely a unique experience to be given access to a place like that. Just as a person but also as an actor, I think that’s not something that we might ever see again.”

Antwerp Province, Belgium

Belgium was selected as one of the primary locations of ‘Professor T’ from the very beginning. Director Dries Vos enjoyed filming in his home country and made sure the crew returned for forthcoming seasons. The production utilizes several key locations for Cambridge and other settings. Antwerp — a major municipality in the Antwerp Province — with its resemblance to UK architecture, doubles up for various street scenes and locations, including a jewelry shop seen in episode 3 and a karaoke bar.

Actress Juliet Aubrey, who plays Christina Brand, shared her experiences filming in Antwerp, recounting how the city went into lockdown upon her arrival. Aubrey explored Antwerp on foot and electric scooters, enjoying the city’s infrastructure suited for running and cycling. The Hendrik Conscience Heritage Library is featured in the series across the seasons. The town of Veurne, chosen for its earth-colored brick buildings, also contributes to the show’s authentic feel.

Other locations in the province include The Ursuline Institute, a high school near Mechelen, a city between Antwerp and Brussels. An Art Nouveau building known for its stained-glass Winter Garden, the corridors and archways of the institute — formerly a monastery — provided a worthy interior setting for many of Tempest’s interactions with his police colleagues. Notably, the Flemish city was also predominantly featured in the Belgian counterpart of the show, with the University of Antwerp taking center stage.

Other Locations in Belgium

In addition to Antwerp, several notable sites in Belgium, including La Hulpe and Brussels, were visited by the crew to represent different parts of the storyline, bringing a blend of British and Belgian aesthetics to the show. Located in the Brussels-Capital Region, the capital city of Brussels offered a mix of modern and traditional settings to the visual texture of ‘Professor T.’ For the Samson business office in season 3, the production used Fosbury & Sons, a co-working space housed in a 1960s modernist concrete building designed by Constantin Brodzki. The Samsons’ home scenes were filmed at the Solvay Castle, also known as Château de la Hulpe, in the French-speaking region of Walloon Brabant.

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