Prime Video’s thriller film ‘The Calendar Killer’ revolves around the titular serial killer, who gives warnings or threats to his targets with their potential date of death mentioned. Klara Vernet, who receives one such message, becomes immersed in fear when she walks back to her home after dealing with a highly traumatic incident. She calls a helpline for emotional support and starts to form a bond with its operator, Jules. The latter helps her manage her fears and impulses, which finally gives her the motivation to stand up against her abusive husband and the serial killer who is after her. Since the murderer in the thriller has real-life parallels across the globe, the German film may seem rooted in reality. However, the origin of the movie is not as straightforward as that! SPOILERS AHEAD.
The Calendar Killer is a Fictional Thriller Based on a Sebastian Fitzek Novel
‘The Calendar Killer’ is a film adaptation of Sebastian Fitzek’s 2020 German novel ‘Der Heimweg,’ which is also known as ‘Walk Me Home.’ Even though the principal storyline of the literary work is fictional, it has roots in reality. The psychological thriller was born in the mind of the novelist when a reader of another book he wrote sent him an e-mail. The individual mentioned that she was working for a helpline in passing, which left an impression on the writer. He learned more about helplines and support calls in detail, only to be convinced that they could be integrated into the narrative of a thriller.
As Fitzek delved into helplines in general, he remembered how he once pretended to be on a call to get out of a predicament. The recollection made him realize the power of phone calls. He eventually started thinking of a character who was on call to deal with her distress, fearing that something sinister was present at her home, waiting for her. These thoughts paved the way for the creation of the protagonist, who calls a helpline number to calm herself after realizing that a serial killer must be awaiting her at her place.
During Fitzek’s research, he was drawn to the harrowing reality behind domestic violence in Germany. He was familiar with a particular case involving people who lived next to his office community, which inspired the protagonist’s creation as a victim of abuse and torture. Furthermore, individuals who were part of his immediate circle at the time had similar experiences. He seemingly talked to a few of those people to learn more about domestic violence and develop the novel.
The Calendar Killer is a Fictional Serial Killer Without Any Real-Life Inspirations
While writing ‘Walk Me Home,’ Sebastian Fitzek was least interested in the serial killer aspect of the novel. As a writer, he was convinced that many works and characters already existed about or based on such murderers, starting with Thomas Harris’ ‘The Silence of the Lambs.’ Therefore, he was not particularly motivated to draw inspiration from any real serial killers to create his antagonist. He conceived the character as a scary force awaiting the protagonist at her house, who makes her call the helpline, which is the main storyline in the psychological thriller.
Still, the Calendar Killer reminds us of several real murderers, starting with Ed Gein or the Butcher of Plainfield. In the film, the serial killer’s homicidal impulses were triggered by the deaths of his family members. He sees a loved one in his targets, which can be paralleled with Gein’s life and crimes. The real-life murderer started killing two years after his mother, Augusta Wilhelmine Gein, passed away. As per reports, he was significantly close to her and even wished to “resurrect” her. Similarly, Jeffrey Dahmer, also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, allegedly started committing murders because of the absence of his parents in his life for various reasons.
Read More: The Calendar Killer Ending, Explained: Who is the Serial Killer?
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