An adaptation of Agatha Christie’s eponymous novel, ‘The Pale Horse’ is a mystery drama that revolves around the life of an antique dealer Mark Easterbrook, who gets embroiled in a mysterious conspiracy involving multiple deaths. Starting with Jessie Davis, Mark spots a list on Davis’ body that includes his name and also notices that her hair has been pulled out. While pursuing the events, he finds a startling connection between the village Much Deeping, his dead first wife Delphine, and several witches.
Flabbergasted, Mark embarks on a mission to unravel the truth while also dealing with a heightened sense of paranoia surrounding his hair loss. A Leonora Lonsdale directorial, the thriller has been adapted to screen by Sarah Phelps. It received mixed to positive reviews and was lauded for its stunning locales. If you want to know about the filming locations of ‘The Pale Horse,’ keep reading!
The Pale Horse Filming Locations
Although the show is set in 1960s London, it was actually filmed at various landmarks in and around Bristol, South West England. The largest region in the UK, South West England, is well-known for its rich cultural and architectural heritage. Interestingly, it has also been home to literary legends like Daphne du Maurier and Agatha Christie. Here are the specific locations.
Bristol, United Kingdom
The best studio facility for film and television in England, The Bottle Yard Studios doubled up as a filming location for shooting several scenes on the show. West Mall in the first-rate suburb of Clifton Village, was used as a filming site for recreating the famous London landmark, King’s Road. It hosts a high-end shopping market comprising quaint boutiques and shops. Apart from that, many scenes were shot in the Arnos Vale Cemetery, which can also be seen on the hit programs, ‘Sherlock,’ ‘Broadchurch,’ and ‘Restoration.’ Standing tall since the 11th century in North Somerset, the Ashton Court Estate house serves as the backdrop for a few scenes on the show. It is controlled by the City of Bristol.
St. Nicholas Market is one of Bristol’s most favorite tourist spots in Bristol. It is known for its vibrant stalls, lip-smacking street food, and fascinating historic architecture. Many Georgian properties were revamped and used to film the scenes occurring in a period police station interior. The picturesque locales in Queen Square doubled up as protagonist Mark Easterbrook’s Chelsea apartment block on the show. Frogmore Street and Cave Street was neatly concealed to serve as the backdrop for the East End on ‘The Pale Horse.’
Also known as Tin Pan Alley, Denmark Street, located on the edge of London’s West End, was disguised as Soho district for filming. Famous for its live entertainment and theater, the street is often referred to as a musical mecca. In case you’re a music lover, don’t forget to visit the world-famous Smoke and Mirrors – “The UK’s only boutique magic theatre pub.”
Gloucestershire, the United Kingdom
From the existence of witches to Mark’s first wife’s connection to them, Much Deeping is the village where most of the action takes place on the show. Bisley, a small countryside village in the non-metropolitan county, stood in South West England as Much Deeping. The oldest pub and a four-star hotel in Bisley, Bisley’s The Bear Inn, was passed off as a The Pale Horse pub which is also the residence of the three witches – Thyrza Grey, Sybil Stamfordis, and Bella Webb on the show. Some scenes were also shot in Sheldon Hall and Chew Valley. The ceremonial county of Gloucestershire is a familiar location in popular culture as it has hosted many movies and television shows like ‘Die Another Day,’ ‘Hot Fuzz,’ ‘Harry Potter’ films, and ‘Doctor Who.’
Read More: Shows Like The Pale Horse
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