Created by Ralph Farquhar, Sara V. Finney, and Vida Spears, ‘The Parkers’ is a sitcom that chronicles the ups and downs in the daily lives of an eccentric mother-daughter duo – Nikki and Kim Parker, living in Santa Monica, California. In the spin-off of ‘Moesha,’ Nikki decides to fulfill her lifelong dream of graduating from college, one that she had to sacrifice to raise her daughter, Kim. To pursue her education, Nikki chooses to attend Santa Monica College, but her daughter, who is a student at the same college, is not so down with the idea.
However, upon realizing all the difficulties Nikki had to face when she was pregnant with her, Kim understands her mother’s desire for a second chance at earning academic value. As it progresses, both Nikki and Kim make certain sacrifices to strengthen their relationship as roommates and classmates. Over five seasons that ran from August 30, 1999, to May 10, 2004, the show amassed multiple awards and a strong fan following for its lighthearted content and great performances from the main cast. Here is the location where ‘The Parkers’ was filmed!
The Parkers Filming Locations
Like shows like ‘Friends,’ ‘One Day at a Time,’ ‘The Big Bang Theory,’ ‘The Carmichael Show’ and others, ‘The Parkers’ is also a studio-based sitcom that was shot entirely in a production studio, except for some exterior shots. And what better place to film the show in than the show-business capital of the world – Hollywood? The Los Angeles neighborhood is home to multiple television/movie studios and record companies. Here are the exact details of the filming locations!
Sunset Gower Studios, Hollywood
The spunky series was filmed at the 14-acre television and movie studio, located at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Gower Street in Hollywood, California. Hence, it was given the name – Sunset Gower Studios. In 1918, Harry Cohn, the co-founder, president, and production director of Columbia Pictures Corporation, founded this studio under the name Columbia Pictures Studio.
Harry passed away in 1958, and the name of the studio was changed in 1977 after it was bought by the Pick Vanoff Company. Sunset Gower Studios is often touted as Hollywood’s largest independent studio. It tops the efficiency test as being one of the most sought-after television and film production studios on its twelve soundstages.
Apart from doubling up as the several places Nikki and Kim spend there time at, it has served as the filming location for many shows like ‘Soap,’ ‘That’s So Raven,’ ‘Scandal,’ ‘How to Get Away with Murder,’ ‘Dexter,’ etc. Alongside hosting shows, the studio has also served as a rehearsal site for music legends like Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, Led Zeppelin, Ringo Starr, Frank Zappa, and Olivia Newton-John.
Read More: Best Sitcoms on Netflix
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