AppleTV+’s ‘Ted Lasso‘ is a sports comedy series that follows the misadventures of Ted Lasso (Jason Sudeikis) and the players of AFC Richmond. In the show’s second season finale, the team earns a promotion to the Premier League while the characters embrace significant changes in their life. The third season deals with the aftermath of these changes as the team prepare for the new season’s challenges.
However, one character who undergoes a significant change is the reporter Trent Crimm (James Lance). Naturally, Trent’s fate at the end of season 2 and the character’s absence from the third season premiere will make viewers question whether James Lance will reprise his role as Trent Crimm in ‘Ted Lasso’ season 3. In that case, let us share everything we know about Trent Crimm’s fate! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Trent Crimm’s Journey: From Reporter to Ally to Independent
Trent Crimm is introduced in the pilot episode of ‘Ted Lasso,’ as a skeptical sports news reporter who works for the publishing company The Independent. Trent is present at American football coach Ted Lasso’s first press conference as the newly appointed Head Coach of the Premier League club AFC Richmond. In the third episode, aptly titled ‘Trent Crimm: The Independent,’ Ted spends a day with Trent. They discuss Ted’s perspective of the uncanny situation he finds himself in after being appointed to a job with no experience. However, as Trent spends more time with Ted, he sees through Ted’s frivolous facade and truly believes in Ted’s potential to have an undyingly positive impact on those around him.
Over the first season, Trent becomes a reluctant ally of Ted and AFC Richmond, writing positively about the team’s efforts to turn things around and avoid relation. However, in the second season, Trent’s responsibilities as a reporter take over his affection for Richmond after Nate reports Ted’s panic attacks in a fit of jealousy. Trent publishes an article about Ted’s mental health, bringing into question his capability to coach AFC Richmond. However, Trent is fired in the finale after he reveals that Nate was the anonymous source who reported Ted’s panic attack during an important match. As a result, Trent leaves The Independent and explores other possibilities.
James Lance’s Return as Trent Crimm in Season 3
In ‘Ted Lasso,’ actor James Lance essays the role of Trent Crimm. The actor made his screen debut in 1989 and is known for appearing in several television shows and movies. Lance’s credits include shows such as ‘Pennyworth,’ ‘Fate: The Winx Saga,’ and ‘The Canterville Ghost.’ Lance’s performance as Trent Crimm has been well-received, and the character has emerged as a fan favorite amongst a likable and delightful ensemble. However, the second season’s ending implies that Trent Crimm’s time in the show is up, as the news reporter will no longer be a regular feature at AFC Richmond’s press conferences. Consequently, viewers must be wondering if James Lance will appear in the third season.
Lance is credited as a recurring guest star in the show’s first and second seasons. However, the actor does not appear in the third season premiere, titled ‘Smells Like Mean Spirit.’ Nontheless, Lance has already confirmed his involvement in the third season and is likely to continue in a recurring capacity. Therefore, seeing how Trent’s career pans out following his firing from The Independent will be interesting. Speaking to The Wrap, Lance teased his character’s future in the show’s third season. “It’s funny when you play a character that you just love that’s got some depth going on inside that you just want to dig into a bit more. It’s really lovely when he feels like that, and he wants to dig into things a bit more and go a bit deeper. So I was really delighted and excited,” Lance said in the interview. Hence, Lance’s words suggest we will see more of Trent Crimm in the upcoming episodes of ‘Ted Lasso’ season 3.
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