What is the Meaning of Feria: The Darkest Light Title?

Image Credit: Sophie Koehler/Netflix

‘Feria: The Darkest Light’ follows the ominous supernatural adventure of two sisters, Sofia and Eva, who find out that their parents are involved in a dark magic cult. The deeper the sisters dig into their parents’ disappearance and alleged crimes, the more surreal the situation gets. Sofia, the younger of the two, gets dangerously close to the evil entities that sit at the scary heart of the narrative while her sister, Eva, struggles with her own demons.

The story is seeded with unexpected twists, and the ominous adventure only gets darker as it progresses. The show’s title is quite elaborate and has sinister overtones. If you are intrigued by the supernatural drama series ‘Feria: The Darkest Light’ and want to know more about the significance of its title, you’re in the right place! SPOILERS AHEAD.

What is the Meaning of Feria?

The story centers around the small town of Feria, which suddenly finds itself in the clutches of ominous power. The more we learn about the dark magic cult that carries out the horrific ritual killings, the clearer it becomes that the town of Feria, as depicted on the show, has deep connections with dark magic and an ancient cult. Thus, the first part of the title refers to the show’s setting as the story, apart from focussing on the central characters, also explores the fate of the picturesque little town. In fact, Feria is a real town situated in the province of Badajoz in Extremadura. However, the show doesn’t make many obvious allusions to the actual town apart from using its name (and partly, its aesthetic).

The second part of the title, “the darkest light,” refers to the supernatural aspects of the show. As viewers will remember, the dark cult at the center of the narrative is called the Path of the Light, and its members attempt to open a magical gateway to another dimension called the “Kingdom.” Multiple references to the mysterious “kingdom of the Light” are also made, to which Sofia is the key.

As it turns out, the Kingdom is revealed to be a hellish dimension full of malevolent demonic entities. As those that get too close to it realize, the doorway to the Kingdom, if opened, would allow an army of dangerous demons to enter our world and cause unthinkable destruction. Thus, while the cult keeps claiming that the Kingdom will lead to a better world and help humans break out of endless birth and death cycles, the supernatural dimension is actually revealed to be very dangerous.

The stark reversal of what the Kingdom is and the revelation that the “Light” is actually a form of evil darkness (as Sofia and Blanca claim on separate occasions) is also reflected in the title. The phrase “darkest light” is an oxymoron and refers to the two conflicting ways the Kingdom is portrayed. In the end, with Sofia opening the doorway and seemingly releasing an army of demons into the small town, Feria does become a victim of the followers of the Light, making it the “darkest” Light.

Read More: Where is Feria: The Darkest Light Filmed?