Netflix’s ‘Swap Shop’ is a reality series that revolves around a specific group of individuals who rely upon a radio show to buy, sell, and trade in different kinds of valuable items. After all, they get the scoop on some sweet deals — be it cars, antiques, comics, or morbid goods — through the airwaves, which helps them converge upon it for a beneficial sale. Profit is the main priority, but sentiments can get the best of them, as seen with Dale Kyker and Scott Jones a couple of times. So now, if you’re curious to know more about them, we’ve got you covered.
Who Are Dale Kyker and Scott Jones?
Dale Kyker is the owner of Kyker’s Extreme Automotive in Greeneville, Tennessee, whereas Scott Jones seems to be his right-hand man. While we know that the former is an area native who got into the industry at 15, the latter relocated to East Tennessee from Nevada to be closer to his step-sister. Once there, Scott started a career in the car business under Dale, which appears to be why he lovingly calls him Paps. However, Scott continued to visit Las Vegas quite often at the time since his then-fiancée (now wife) lived there. And that’s how he met the owner of Count’s Kustoms, Danny Koker, who offered him a job. Thus, in 2011, Scott moved back to Sin City.
With that said, Dale and Scott maintained a good relationship, and it was to such an extent that Dale even kept his former employee’s merchandise in his store following his success on History’s ‘Counting Cars.’ They also met up from time to time. So, after Scott’s youngest son was born, he made his way back to the community he’d fallen in love with and got a job at Kyker’s Extreme Automotive once again. He worked hard, demonstrated his unparalleled passion, and never shied away from saying what he meant (he still doesn’t), helping him become almost irreplaceable.
Where Are Dale Kyker and Scott Jones Now?
The fact that Scott Jones returned to Tennessee and Dale Kyker wasn’t a surprise to anyone, especially as he’d publicly stated in 2013, well before departing from ‘Counting Cars,’ that Greeneville was his true home. He’d even added that he wanted his children to attend high school in Greene County and retire in the area because life is slower, and he owed his family some quality time. Moreover, to reiterate their mutual respect for one another and their bond, Dale had told The Greeneville Sun, “[Scott is] family here to us…He and I are going to go in together on a shop when he moves back here into Greeneville.” And it seems like everything went as per their plan.
From what we can tell, Dale has a Facebook account that he rarely uses, yet Scott doesn’t even maintain that to update long-term or new fans about his life. Hence, all we know is that both men are family-oriented and have beautiful children of their own. Their only priority at the moment is their business and their brood. If you are in Tennessee and want their services, you can head on over to Kyker’s Extreme Automotive at 1201 Tusculum Boulevard in peaceful Greeneville.
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