Netflix’s ‘True Spirit‘ is an inspiring adventure drama biopic that chronicles Australian sailor Jessica Watson‘s solo journey around the world. At the tender age of sixteen, she charted an incredible voyage of 210 days on her sailboat, Ella’s Pink Lady, becoming the youngest person worldwide to do so. While the movie elaborately details Hannah’s adventure on the water, it also gives the audience a peek into her family life, including her heartwarming bond with her three siblings — Emily, Tom, and Hannah. Now, if you wish to learn more about the characters’ real-life counterparts and their current whereabouts, here are all the details you need!
Where is Emily Watson Today?
Emily Watson is Jessica’s elder sister, and they seemingly have a one-year age gap. When the sailor left for her global circumnavigation in October 2009, her older sibling was highly encouraging of her aspirations and helped her maintain the video blog of her journey. Unfortunately, when Jessica returned to Australian waters around April 2010, Emily had seemingly gone off to university. Due to some work commitments, she could not come home and participate when her family flew out in a small plane over her sister’s sailboat on April 10, 2010.
In August 2011, Emily worked as a travel agent and teamed up with Jessica and Tom to participate in the 11th annual Island Charity Swim. From what we can tell, the sailor still shares a close bond with her big sister and looks up to her in life. Though not much is known about Emily’s current work, her sibling shared the news of her beautiful wedding in December 2017. Since then, the former has welcomed a daughter with her husband, Nick. Emily remains a constant support system for Jessica and reportedly resides with her husband and child in Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
Where is Tom Watson Today?
Jessica Watson’s brother, Tom Watson, is younger than her by two years and has been a skilled fencer and swimmer since his younger days. Both siblings shared a goofy bond from childhood, full of teasing and fun. In fact, when their parents flew out to greet Jessica as she entered Australian waters, Tom accompanied them in the plane. In an interview in April 2010, he shared how he loved teasing her over phone calls and emails. But even though the world was gushing over his sister, the then 14-year-old stated that for him, she would always remain his regular “Jess.”
When Jessica returned to the Sydney Harbor on May 15, 2010, Tom was there to help her on the ground and cheer for her achievement. The following year, he and Emily even participated with her in the 11th annual Island Charity Swim. Tom has a Bachelor’s Degree (honors) in Geosciences from the Queensland University of Technology and a Graduate Diploma of Mining in Mining and Mineral Engineering from Federation University Australia. He is a Senior Mine Geologist with Aurelia Metals Ltd. since 2022. Moreover, it is evident that he still enjoys hiking with his siblings and father. Tom tied the knot with his girlfriend, Sarah, in December 2020, and Jessica was elated to share pictures of the same on social media.
Where is Hannah Watson Today?
Hannah is the youngest of the Watson siblings and is younger than Jessica by four years. Despite sharing a love for the outdoors with her family, she chose horseriding as her passion over sailing, as water made her seasick. Regardless, Hannah was one of Jessica’s biggest cheerleaders and constantly interacted with her over calls when she was away at sea. Not just that, in April 2010, the 12-year-old accompanied her brother and parents to greet her big sister in the final leg of her voyage when they flew over the sailor’s yacht.
In an interview, Hannah stated how proud she felt of Jessica, especially when her peers at school would recognize her sister. Since then, the former has also grown up quite a lot like her siblings but still shares a heartfelt bond with her family. Though Hannah does not share much about herself publicly, one can see that she is a talented artist and often showcases her work on social media. She is a Support Worker and a Guest Artist at Reason Gallery; she tied the knot sometime in 2022.
Now known as Hannah Macauley, she and her husband welcomed their daughter, Thea, into the world in December 2022. Naturally, Jessica cannot help but gush over her baby niece and loves spending time with her. Hannah now resides with her husband and daughter in Brisbane, Australia, and still shares a close bond with her siblings.
Read More: True Spirit Tribute: Who Was Cameron Dale? How Did He Die?
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