The FX comedy-drama show, ‘English Teacher,’ follows a gay English teacher named Evan Marquez in a high school set in Austin, Texas, as he tries to navigate the complexities of managing his students. Created by Brian Jordan Alvarez, who also stars as Evan, the show revolves around the antics of the protagonist and his coworkers, who have to balance the demands placed upon them professionally and politically. Meanwhile, Evan also has to marry his personal life with the emergence of new responsibilities as the figurehead of his class.
With most of the narrative happening against the backdrop of a conservative atmosphere, the show picks up on several controversial topics, cutting through them with its own brand of humor and comedy. The clever satire works even better because of the stark contrast it provides through its choice of location – a thriving city rife with political boundaries and a high school at its heart. Naturally, it prompts inquiry into the sites utilized to bring the show to life and to capture the unique feel of a light-hearted tone rubbing up against an orthodox environment.
Where is English Teacher Filmed?
‘English Teacher’ is filmed in Georgia, specifically in the city of Atlanta. Production for season 1 of the show was wrapped up on April 9, 2024. As the narrative is primarily set in Austin, Texas, it provides a scope to uncover the hot political issues prevailing in the region while also providing a humorous spin to what is otherwise a tedious faculty life for the main characters. Talking about the show’s regional influence, creator Brian Jordan Alvarez told The New York Times, “I have a lot of love for the South. I also sort of knew, well, my mom’s Colombian, so we’re not quite from here. So I think you can feel that in the show, too.”
Atlanta, Georgia
The bulk of ‘English Teacher’ takes place at the Morrison-Hensley High School, a school set in the suburbs of Austin, Texas. Shooting for the school’s scenes takes place in Atlanta, the capital city of Georgia. According to Brian Jordan Alvarez, the advantage of having a school environment is the coming together of quirky personalities within a single roof. He explained, “This particular environment is such a good opportunity to put people together who normally wouldn’t choose to interact. People from every different part of life are forced to come together — and not just come together, but come together for a common purpose of educating these kids.”
Atlanta is a massive contributor to the film production industry owing to its history and legacy. In ‘English Teacher,’ the city stands in for the bubble of Austin and its encompassing culture and politics. While most films and shows purport to be linked intrinsically to their setting, it is definitely true in the case of the Brian Jordan Alvarez-created show. It is steeped in the sort of comedy that derives pleasure from diving into hot-button issues, making the presence of a Texas setting pivotal to its feel and atmosphere. However, the bulk of the show is confined to the interiors of the Morrison-Hensley High School, making it the essential backdrop of the piece.
Owing to Atlanta’s robust infrastructure, numerous film and TV show productions have made use of the city’s facilities and its diverse array of unique locales through the years. It is also equipped with state-of-the-art studios – catering to the demands of those who wish to have a more controlled environment. In the past, films and shows like ‘Borat,‘ ‘Love, Simon,‘ ‘Single Drunk Female,‘ ‘Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell,’ and ‘Teenage Bounty Hunters‘ were all shot in The Big Peach. It is the ideal location for infusing life into the halls of Morrison-Hensley and the shenanigans that occur within.
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