Netflix’s ‘Cocaine Cowboys: The Kings of Miami’ is a six-part documentary series that explores the saga of “Los Muchachos,” also known as Augusto “Willy” Falcon and Salvador “Sal” Magluta — two lifelong friends who grew up to lead an unparalleled cocaine empire. In 1991, detectives determined that they, along with their crew, had already obtained more than $2 billion by smuggling 75+ tons of cocaine. Upon hearing the following indictment, Willy’s brother, Gustavo “Taby” Falcon, and his wife, Gina Rosello, went on the run to avoid his apprehension. So, let’s find out more about Gina, shall we?
Who is Gina Rosello?
Gina Rosello and Gustavo “Taby” Falcon had known each other since they were youngsters. In fact, from around the age of 14/15, they could always be seen together, merely dating and hanging out. Thus, it was no surprise when they decided to tie the knot soon after becoming legal adults. Their love appeared almost idyllic, and they proved it time and time again. Gina soon gave birth to their children and supported her husband in any way he required while understanding the complexities of his work. She also looked after her family by warning them about the risks arising.
Eventually, in 1991, once the federal indictments led to a couple of arrests, Gina and Taby Falcon, along with their children, simply disappeared. As per the show, they chose to be fugitives as a family rather than have Taby face the possibility of years in prison alone. As her brother, Pedro “Pegy” Rossello, pointed out in the documentary series, Gina didn’t have to run away — she wasn’t even mentioned in the grand jury accusation — but she chose to due to her love and loyalty to her husband. She’d vowed to stick by Taby, and she did — not even communicating with her parents or brother for over 25 years.
Where is Gina Rosello Now?
In the spring of 2017, despite all the previous reports directing the federal agents to Cuba, 55-year-old Gustavo “Taby” Falcon was captured outside his home near Orlando, Florida, during a bicycle ride with his wife. He had been living as a fugitive under the assumed name of Luis Reiss for roughly 26 years. Similarly, his wife was using the fake title of Maria Reiss and was later identified as Amelia. Now, since public reports claim that the pair had adult children and numerous other counterfeit IDs dating back to the mid-1990s, we assume that she is none other than Gina Rosello-Falcon.
Therefore, from what we understand, Gina continues to dwell in the sunny state of Florida. Plus, as she no longer has to remain hidden, she may also have begun communication with her family once again. Apart from all this, unfortunately, we don’t have any other information regarding her current personal or professional whereabouts.
Read More: Where is Pedro “Pegy” Rosello Now?
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