Created by Nick Mohammed, ‘Intelligence’ is a British sitcom that revolves around a domineering NASA agent named Jerry Bernstein, who is entrusted to work in the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters. There he meets a computer analyst with whom he is supposed to form a new cybercrimes unit. However, Jerry’s assertive and controlling nature soon antagonizes his new partner as they try to carry out their responsibilities. The hilarious partnership that forms between the two has entertained viewers around the world, who may be curious to learn more about the show’s filming locations. Here’s everything we know!
Intelligence Filming Locations
‘Intelligence’ is filmed entirely in England. The UK constituent country was a great colonizing force a few centuries ago, but after losing its colonies, it quickly embraced the values of globalism. It significantly influences world politics, economics, finance, literature, arts, and architecture. Since the early 20th century, England has also made extraordinary contributions to the entertainment industry.
Some of the legendary filmmakers from the country, like Alfred Hitchcock and Steve McQueen, have transformed cinema forever with their innovations. Filming for the British sitcom is limited to several locations in the country, so let’s familiarize ourselves with each of them.
Twickenham, England
The show is extensively filmed in Twickenham. Located in southwest London, the suburban town is barely a few kilometers away from the Kingston upon Thames. The shooting for the series is done in the Twickenham Studios, which is situated at The Barons, London TW1 2AW.
Established in 1913, the studio offers filmmakers post-production and production services. Its state-of-the-art facilities have drawn the attention of several important television and film projects over the years. The production facility has been involved with the production of shows and movies like ‘The Crown,’ ‘I Care A Lot,‘ ‘Enola Holmes,’ ‘Stardust,’ and ‘The Duchess.’
The filming for season 1 took place in the summer of 2019 and reportedly wrapped up around July of the same year, while season 2 supposedly kicked off shooting in September 2020. Since the second season’s production was carried out during the global coronavirus pandemic, the producers ensured that all the precautions were taken to ensure the safety of the cast and crew.
Reading, England
The filming for the show is also reportedly done in Reading. Situated on the Thames and Kennet rivers in the southern part of the country, the historic market town is famous for the Reading Museum, Forbury Gardens, Museum of English Rural Life, Mapledurham House, Basildon Park, and Abbey Ruins. The coming-of-age comedy film ‘Cemetery Junction’ and BBC Two’s comedy-drama ‘Beautiful People’ are both set in the 1970s and 1990s Reading respectively.
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