Created by Ripley Parker, Netflix’s ‘Everything Now’ is a British coming-of-age comedy series that focuses on Mia Polanco, a London teenager who is released from a lengthy hospital stay after a hard-fought battle against anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder. When she rejoins sixth form at Westmere School, she realizes that the closest of her friends have moved on in just a matter of a few months. At the same time, it hits her that all her peers have gained knowledge and acquired experiences she has yet to know.
So, in order to catch up and make up for the lost time, Mia creates a bucket list and wastes no time diving right into the world of dating, partying, and growing up along with her three best friends, one frenemy, and a new crush. While the ‘Talk to Me‘ star Sophie Wilde portrays Mia, several other talented actors feature as supporting cast in the teen drama show, including Niamh McCormack, Dee Ahluwalia, Sam Reuben, and George Greenland. Since most of the drama unfolds in the fictional Westmere School and other interesting locations, the viewers are bound to be curious about where ‘Everything Now’ was filmed.
Everything Now Filming Locations
‘Everything Now’ is filmed in its entirety in England, particularly in and around London. The principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the teen comedy series seemingly got underway in August 2022 under the working title ‘The F**k It Bucket’ and continued through the following couple of months, before wrapping up in October of the same year. Now, without much ado, let’s step into the shoes of the characters and explore all the specific locations that make an appearance in the Netflix show!
London, England
A significant portion of ‘Everything Now’ is lensed in London, the capital of England as well as the United Kingdom. As Mia is released from her stay at the rehabilitation center for an eating disorder and drives to her home, we get a glimpse of the exteriors of various shops on Junction Road, including Map Gift Shop at 93 Junction Road and Little Garden Cafe at 95 Junction Road, both in the residential area of Archway in north London. Unfortunately, the former has permanently closed its doors.
According to reports, London North Studios serves as the primary production location as the filming unit makes the most of its facilities for the production of ‘Everything Now.’ Situated on The Ridgeway near Millbrook Park, the film studio complex is home to seven different sound stages of varying sizes and varying amenities, and approximately 100,000 square feet of plug-and-play production offices. Apart from that, it also consists of a wide range of multi-purpose event spaces with locker rooms and welfare facilities, catering facilities, outdoor terraces, more than an acre of woods, and wardrobe and makeup rooms. All these above-mentioned facilities make London North Studios an ideal choice for filmmakers creating different kinds of productions.
From the looks of it, various scenes set in the fictional Westmere School are probably recorded on a sound stage or two of the London North Studio itself while the production team seemingly constructs film sets to replicate the interiors of a school. On the flip side, it is also possible that the cast and crew utilize the campus of an actual school or college situated in and around the capital. Moreover, in the backdrop of numerous exterior shots, you might want to look out for some local London landmarks, such as the Tower Bridge, the Big Ben, London Eye, Piccadilly Circus, and the Royal Albert Hall.
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