Originally titled ‘Romina Poderosa,’ Netflix’s ‘Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins’ is a Colombian drama series that follows a competitive biker named Romina who is determined to uncover the mystery behind her long-lost identical twin, Sofia, who was killed almost two decades ago. Upon finding out that her killer is still at large, Romina decides to take Sofia’s identity and bring her killer to justice by taking matters into her own hands.
Along the way, Romina is also eager to get to the bottom of the truth behind their separation. Starring Juanita Molina, David Palacio, Zharick León, Emmanuel Esparza, and Juan Manuel Guilera, the mystery show unfolds in a set of interesting locations as the protagonist embarks on a mission to find out the truth. So, if you are interested in knowing where ‘Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins’ is filmed, allow us to fill you in on all the details!
Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins Filming Locations
‘Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins’ is filmed in its entirety in Colombia, particularly in Bogotá and Cundinamarca Department. As per reports, the production for the inaugural iteration of the mystery series kicked off in late September 2022 and wrapped up after several months, in March 2023. So, without wasting any time, allow us to walk you through all the specific locations that make an appearance in the Netflix series!
Bogotá, Colombia
A major chunk of ‘Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins’ is lensed in Bogotá, the sprawling capital city of Colombia situated in the southeastern part of the Bogotá savanna. The production team supposedly traveled across the city to shoot both interior as well as exterior scenes against suitable backdrops. So, you are highly likely to spot several local landmarks and attractions in different sequences, including BD Bacatá, La Candelaria, the Museum of Gold, Monserrate Sanctuary, and the Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica of Bogotá and Primate of Colombia. Other than ‘Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins,’ it has hosted the production of numerous film and TV projects, including ‘Maria Full of Grace,’ ‘Tropical Snow,’ and ‘The Marked Heart.’
Cundinamarca Department, Colombia
Surrounding the capital is the Department of Cundinamarca, which serves as a prominent shooting site for the production of ‘Miss Adrenaline: A Tale of Twins.’ Though Bogotá is not legally a part of Cundinamarca, it is still the capital city of the department. The cast and crew were spotted taping several important scenes during the shooting schedule of season 1 in and around Club Hato Grande Golf & Tennis Country at Carretera Central del Norte Km 27 Sector in the municipality of Sopó in Cundinamarca. Additional portions of the drama series are also recorded in the city and municipality of Facatativá.
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