Created by Jake Coburn and Nicholas Wootton, ‘The Endgame’ is a crime drama series that revolves mainly around a criminal mastermind named Elena Federova, who orchestrates several bank heists throughout New York for undisclosed motive, and a determined and relentless FBI agent, Val Fitzgerald, who does everything in her power to prevent these heists. The thriller series features the likes of Morena Baccarin, Ryan Michelle Bathe, Costa Ronin, and Kamal Angelo Bolden, putting in their dramatic performances for their respective roles.
In addition to the gripping story and brilliant acting, the crime series is full of impressive graphics and appropriate backdrops that complement the mood of the narrative. Do you wish to know more about the filming locations used in the production of this series? We are going to provide you with all the information that you need!
The Endgame Filming Locations
‘The Endgame’ is filmed in New York, where it is set, to make use of the dramatic backdrop and effects that the city offers. The production team particularly shoots the primary sequences in Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan. The filming for the first season of the crime thriller seemingly started around mid-2021. Over several decades, New York has been a perfect filming location for several decades now. It has hosted the productions of various movies and shows such as the classic ‘Taxi Driver‘ and ‘White Collar.’ Let’s take a look at the specific details!
Manhattan, New York
In July 2021, the cast and crew members were spotted shooting several sequences for the series at different locations all across New York City, Manhattan being one of the primary shooting sites. A few scenes of the inaugural season were shot at Wall Street, the 8-block-long street in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan.
At the beginning of December 2021, the crew had reserved a few streets, including West 155th Street, Amsterdam Avenue, Broadway, West 159th Street, and Edgecombe Avenue, for filming some scenes for the first season of ‘The Endgame.’ Particularly, they shot some scenes involving moving vehicles at these locations, which is why the crew posted ‘No Parking’ signs 24 hours prior to shooting the scenes.
— Kucksuelwhan (@kucksuelwhan) November 30, 2021
Queens, New York
A portion of the shooting of ‘The Endgame’ also takes place in Queens, the easternmost borough of New York City, lying on Long Island along the East River from Manhattan. Here is a picture of some of the cast members of the crime drama series at one of the filming locations in Queens, with lights and screens in the background.
The multicultural neighborhood of Astoria is also one of the filming sites. The cast of ‘The Endgame’ was also seen shooting a few scenes on the street next to Mikel Coffee Company, located near the neighborhood of Astoria on 30-05 36th Street in Queens.
Brooklyn, New York
‘The Endgame’ is also filmed in the borough of Brooklyn, a few miles from Queens in New York City. Many scenes are also filmed at Greenpoint, the northernmost neighborhood of the borough. In December 2021, the cast and crew were spotted filming at Green Point Savings Bank at 807 Manhattan Avenue in Brooklyn.
Other Locations in New York
In July 2021, several scenes for the pilot of the NBC crime drama series were shot at Glynwood Farms at 362 Glynwood Road in Cold Spring, a village in the town of Philipstown, Putnam County. Located about 60 miles from New York City, the village-like setting of the farm was used to shoot some scenes that the main city couldn’t offer.
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