Helmed by Richard Holm, Netflix’s ‘The Abyss’ (Swedish title: ‘Avgrunden’) is a Swedish action thriller film that unfolds in the Swedish mining town of Kiruna, where Frigga is employed as a security manager in the Kiirunavaara mine. This risky job is not the only complication in her life as she must also find a balance between her family life, new love, and an ex who just doesn’t want to let go of her. When an unimaginable disaster strikes and the town starts sinking, Frigga must forget all about her complicated life and focus on surviving by trying not to get pulled into the abyss.
The disaster movie is led by the stellar performance from Tuva Novotny, who is joined by a host of talented Swedish actors in supporting roles, including Kardo Razzazi, Peter Franzén, Felicia Truedsson, Tintin Poggats Sarri, and Edvin Ryding. In the thriller drama movie, the devastating events take place in the iron mine Kiirunavaara, which is in the mining town of Kiruna, providing a fitting backdrop and keeping the viewers intrigued about the real-life locations of ‘The Abyss.’
The Abyss Was Filmed in Four Countries
‘The Abyss’ was shot across four different countries — Finland, Sweden, Spain, and Belgium — especially in the Tampere Region, Stockholm, Kiruna, the Canary Islands, and Brussels. As per reports, principal photography got underway around mid-August 2022 and continued for the next couple of months, before getting wrapped up in late October of the same year.
Tampere Region, Finland
A portion of the ‘The Abyss’ was lensed in the Tampere region, known as Pirkanmaa in Finnish, in Finland. In particular, the cast and crew visited the Sandvik Test Mine in the region to tape a few scenes set in the mining town of Kiruna in the show. Apart from being home to various sites that offer enchanting natural scenery, the Tampere region also maintains the Nordic charm.
A major chunk of ‘The Abyss’ was taped in a couple of different sites in Sweden, including Stockholm. Situated in Stockholms län, it is the capital of Sweden. Since a large portion of the film takes place in Kiruna, the filming unit decided to rush to make the most of the empty Kiruna site when they got the opportunity. It was very important for them to shoot some parts of the film on location because Kiruna is the place where most of the action unfolds.
Canary Islands, Spain
For shooting purposes, the production team of ‘The Abyss’ also traveled to the Canary Islands in Spain. Particularly, the capital of Gran Canaria — Las Palmas — served as one of the prominent filming sites. From the looks of it, most of the underwater sequences were seemingly shot in and on the open water around the picturesque city of Las Palmas.
Brussels, Belgium
Additional portions of ‘The Abyss’ were recorded in the capital of Belgium — Brussels. Apart from the Swedish production, the city’s locales have been utilized by various other filmmakers over the years. You might find Brussels as the backdrop for movies and TV shows like ‘Luther: The Fallen Sun,’ ‘No Limit,’ ‘Erased,’ and ‘Into the Night.’
Read More: Best Disaster Movies on Netflix