Helmed by Dan Fogelman, Hulu’s ‘Paradise’ is a tense, taut drama that centers around Xavier Collins (Sterling K. Brown), who becomes entangled in a legal conspiracy following the death of former president Cal Bradford (James Marsden). The show’s tagline, “Read between the lies,” captures the intricate web of deception spun by various characters surrounding Bradford’s death. At the heart of this mystery is Collins, both the prime suspect and an unexpected witness to the crime. With its compelling narrative and thrilling twists, the series dives deep into complex character dynamics. To bring these complexities to life, the show is filmed in lavish locations, which not only contribute to its grandeur but also ground the drama in a sense of realism.
Paradise Filming Locations
For the shooting of Paradise, the prime location chosen is the sprawling city of Los Angeles, California. As an investigative drama, the show primarily explores indoor settings. However, to fully capture the drama surrounding the characters, key events are also showcased on the streets of the city, adding an authentic and immersive element to the story. Filming for the first season began in early 2024, particularly in the last week of February and carried on for a few months, finally concluding in mid-July of the same year. From what we can tell, the production team of the inaugural iteration of the Hulu production worked hard to bring the intricate narrative to life.
Los Angeles, California
The shooting for ‘Paradise’ primarily takes place at Paramount Studios, located at 5555 Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. The production facility is one of the oldest and most iconic film studios in the world, known for its vast soundstages and historic backlots, which have been used in countless productions over the years. The studio’s central location in the heart of the entertainment capital made it an ideal setting for a series like ‘Paradise,’ which requires both interior shots and a vibrant atmosphere.
In an interview with People, Sterling K. Brown, who plays Xavier Collins, shared his experience working on the twist-packed mystery drama series. He said, “It’s pretty much all of my crew from This Is Us is on this show. The same hair and makeup department is there. It feels familiar and different at the same time.” He highlighted this connection because both ‘Paradise’ and ‘This Is Us’ used the same studio as a filming site, further emphasizing the familiarity of the environment despite the new production.
Over the years, Paramount Studios has served as a key location for numerous high-profile entertainment productions. Some of the popular films and TV shows that have used the services of the prominent studio complex are Ridley Scott’s ‘Gladiator II’ and Jeff Fowler’s ‘Sonic the Hedgehog 3,’ ‘Star Trek: Section 31,’ ‘Mission: Impossible – The Final Reckoning,’ ‘Monk,’ and ‘NCIS: Los Angeles.’ Throughout the course of the shooting of season 1, the cast and crew shared several snippets on their social media profiles, thus showcasing the fun times they had on set.
The studio’s extensive soundstages and controlled backlot environments allow for consistent production schedules, ensuring that both film and television projects proceed with minimal disruption. The established safety protocols and infrastructure of Paramount Studios help mitigate any potential issues, allowing it to maintain its reputation as one of Hollywood’s most reliable studios. Spanning around 65 acres, the historic production site is renowned for its adaptability and resilience, making it a go-to location for major productions. Its soundstages and versatile backlot have hosted numerous iconic films and shows since its establishment in 1912, solidifying the studio’s role as a critical hub of the entertainment industry.