Based on the eponymous bestselling mystery novel written by British author Anthony Horowitz, PBS’ ‘Moonflower Murders’ is a crime drama series that serves as a sequel to ‘Magpie Murders.’ Retiring to a peaceful life in Crete with her longtime boyfriend, Andreas, after leaving publishing, Susan Ryeland has her idyllic life disturbed when a murder case that occurred in a British country hotel several years ago comes back to haunt her. Inspired by the murder case that took place there, Alan Conway wrote one of his early ‘Atticus Pünd’ novels.
When a young woman named Cecily Treherne reads the book, she is sure that law enforcement took the wrong person into custody, and the real killer is still walking freely among them. But when she gets closer to the truth, she vanishes into thin air. Now, Susan must wear her detective hat once again to find the truth Cecily was seeking and rescue her before it gets too late. Created by Anthony Horowitz, the mystery series features compelling performances from a talented ensemble cast comprising Lesley Manville, Jeany Spark, Daniel Mays, Rupert Evans, and Conleth Hill. Since a part of the story unfolds on the island of Crete, it raises questions about the authenticity of the shooting sites in the minds of the viewers.
Where is Moonflower Murders Filmed?
‘Moonflower Murders’ is filmed in Ireland and Greece, particularly in Dublin and Crete. Seemingly commenced sometime around the summer of 2023, the principal photography for the debut season of the PBS production came to a halt in December of the same year. With the premiere of season 1 approaching, Daniel Mays, who portrays Chubb, took to social media and wrote, “I had the best time filming this again in Dublin last year with a wonderful cast and crew.”
Dublin, Ireland
Many pivotal sequences for ‘Moonflower Murders’ are lensed in and around the capital of the Republic of Ireland — Dublin. The overcast weather serves as the ideal canvas for the story of the murder mystery series to unfold as it adds an additional touch of mystery and thrill to the narrative. The production team reportedly sets up camp in different streets and neighborhoods of the city to tape important scenes against suitable backdrops. For shooting several key indoor portions of season 1, they also took over numerous establishments.
In the establishing or aerial shots, you are likely to spot various points of interest and attractions associated with the capital, including the Samuel Beckett Bridge, the O’Connell Bridge, the Custom House, the Dublin Castle, and the Convention Centre Dublin. Situated on a bay at the mouth of the River Liffey, Dublin has hosted the production of many film and TV projects over the years. Apart from Moonflower Murders,’ its locales have been featured in ‘In the Name of the Father,’ ‘The Great Train Robbery,’ ‘Deliver Us from Evil,’ ‘Dublin Murders,’ and ‘Ripper Street.’
Crete, Greece
Since a portion of ‘Moonflower Murders’ is set in Crete, the filming unit travels to the island to record pivotal portions on location, adding a layer of authenticity to the tale. While the suspense and mystery of the show keep the viewers glued to the screen, the scenic vistas of the island, consisting of mountains, valleys, gorges, rivers, and lakes, make the episodes visually appealing. According to reports, the cast and crew members of the crime series take over the locales of the coastal city of Agios Nikolaos, which is situated east of Heraklion, the capital of Crete.
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