The Michael Konyves creation, The CW’s ‘Wild Cards,’ is a crime comedy series that follows a demoted cop named Cole Ellis whose life as well as career changes when he arrests con woman, Max Mitchell. The latter is taken into custody and held at the station, while the police force tries to get to the bottom of a tricky criminal case. She keeps offering her two cents to the investigators at the police station, and when they are taken into consideration by Cole, he manages to solve the case.
This success leads to Cole and Max getting offered a chance to redeem themselves — while Ellis has a shot at winning back his detective badge, Max has a chance to stay out of jail. All they have to do is, set their differences aside, and work together to solve different crimes. Featuring compelling performances from a talented ensemble cast, including Vanessa Morgan, Giacomo Gianniotti, Jason Priestley, and Andy Nez, the comedy-drama show unfolds in a wide range of locations. Apart from complementing the fast-paced narrative, it also keeps the viewers glued to their screens and curious about the actual shooting locations.
Wild Cards is Filmed in British Columbia and Ontario
‘Wild Cards’ is primarily filmed in British Columbia, especially in Metron Vancouver. Some shooting also takes place in Toronto, Ontario. As per reports, principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the crime series commenced in July 2023 and continued for the next three months or so, before getting wrapped up in late October of the same year. The cast and crew returned to shoot some additional portions for season 1 in November 2023.
Metro Vancouver, British Columbia
A major chunk of ‘Wild Cards’ is lensed in Metro Vancouver AKA Greater Vancouver, situated in the southwest corner of mainland British Columbia. Its major urban center — the city of Vancouver — serves as the primary production location. During the shooting schedule, Vancouver locals spot the cast and crew members of the show at work while the streets and neighborhoods are converted into film sets. For instance, several key portions for the debut season were taped on location around the parking lot of Molson Canada at 1550 Burrard Street in the Vancouver neighborhood of Kitsilano. Unfortunately, the brewery has closed its doors permanently.
In a few exterior or aerial shots, the viewers are also likely to notice the Burrard Street Bridge, a four-lane steel truss bridge that connects downtown Vancouver with Kitsilano. Apart from that, various other attractions and places of interest feature in the backdrop of several outdoor scenes, including the Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada Place, Science World, Harbour Centre, and the Vancouver Public Library.
@yvrshootstweets @WhatsFilming #WC sign is located near Molson Canada parking lot in Kitsilano.
— Julia (@juliasscience) August 25, 2023
Moreover, the city of Langley is yet another filming site within Metro Vancouver that hosted the production of ‘Wild Cards.’ Over the years, Langley’s locales have been a regular feature in the backdrop of various movies and TV shows. Some of the notable ones are ‘Curious Caterer: Dying for Chocolate,’ ‘The X Files: I Want to Believe,’ ‘Murder, She Baked: A Chocolate Chip Cookie Mystery,’ ‘A Bundle of Trouble: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery,’ and ‘Riverdale.’
Toronto, Ontario
After the filming unit of ‘Wild Cards’ wrapped up shooting in Toronto for the inaugural iteration, they took the production to Toronto in November 2023. Even though the shooting in the capital city of Ontario reportedly lasted for a single day, the cast and crew made the most of Toronto’s locales and recorded the portions they needed to shoot.
Read More: Best Crime Movies on HBO Max
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