Based on the eponymous Marvel Comics character created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ is a superhero movie directed by Ryan Coogler that serves as the sequel to the 2018 ‘Black Panther.’ The 30th movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) follows the events after the demise of King T’Challa as the leaders of Wakanda buckle up and arm themselves to protect their nation, which is in a state of vulnerability.
When a new threat arises from the underwater nation of Talokan ruled by Namor, Wakanda warriors must unite with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross and fight against new enemies to successfully forge a safe future for Wakanda. Apart from the narrative keeping the viewers invested from the beginning to the end, the action-packed sequences against the settings of Wakanda and Talokan are bound to make one eager to know all about the actual filming sites of ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.’ If you are paddling the same boat of curiosity, we have you covered!
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Filming Locations
‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ was filmed in Georgia, Massachusetts, and Puerto Rico, particularly in Atlanta, Brunswick, Cambridge, Worcester, Boston, and San Juan. Per reports, the principal photography for the Letitia Wright-starrer commenced in late June 2021 under the working title ‘Summer Break.’ However, it got halted several times after the crew members caught COVID-19 on set and when Letitia injured herself while shooting an action sequence in August 2021.
Although the filming unit continued to shoot the sequences that did not include Letitia, they had to pause in late November 2021 after recording as much as possible without her. The production resumed in January 2022 and finally got wrapped up in March of the same year. Nonetheless, they reportedly got back to do some reshoots a few months later, in September 2022. Now, without further ado, let’s head to Wakanda and get a detailed account of all the specific sites that stood in for the fictional nation!
Atlanta, Georgia
Many pivotal sequences for ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ were lensed in Atlanta, Georgia’s capital and most populous city. The filming unit reportedly utilized the facilities of Trilith Studios at 461 Sandy Creek Road. Originally known as Pinewood Atlanta Studios, it is home to 24 different stages with varying sizes, offices, workshops, backlots, and over 400 acres of diverse landscapes. These features make it a suitable filming site for many projects.
Brunswick, Georgia
A few portions of the Marvel movie were taped in Brunswick, a city in and the county seat of Georgia’s Glynn County. During the production schedule, the cast and crew were spotted recording key scenes in and around Mary Ross Waterfront Park at 10 F Street in Brunswick. The waterfront park consists of The Liberty Ship Memorial Plaza, an outdoor musical playscape, an amphitheater, a farmers market, and a staged pavilion. Furthermore, a 300-foot cruise ship was seemingly used to lens the scenes on the water.
Cambridge, Massachusetts
The team traveled to Cambridge, a city in Massachusetts’ Middlesex County, for shooting purposes. In particular, they set up camp in and around the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology at 77 Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge; important scenes were recorded outside Simmons Hall and the Stratton Student Center on campus. Located across the Charles River, Cambridge was named in honor of the eponymous university in England.
Other Locations in Massachusetts
Reportedly, the team extended their stay in Massachusetts as they utilized the locales of other locations within the state, including Worcester and Boston. In August 2021, a car chase scene was shot in the Ernest A. Johnson Tunnel in Worcester. Moreover, most of the scene where Nakia drives a red sports car and leads a chase before starting a fight was taped on The Harvard Bridge, a steel haunched girder bridge that connects Boston with Cambridge.
San Juan, Puerto Rico
According to reports, to finish the project, the cast and crew of ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ traveled to San Juan, the capital city and most populous municipality in Puerto Rico. Specifically, The Ritz-Carlton at 6961 Avenida Los Gobernadores in Carolina served as a pivotal production location for the movie.
Read More: Movies to Watch if You Love ‘Black Panther’
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