Based on the eponymous 2007 novel by André Aciman, ‘Call Me by Your Name’ is a coming-of-age romantic drama movie helmed by Luca Guadagnino. Set in the 1980s, it focuses on the blooming love affair between 17-year-old Elio Perlman and 24-year-old Oliver, a graduate-student research assistant to the former’s father. They meet each during the summer of 1983 in Elio’s family’s villa. As the two spend their time basking in the sun, the tension between them rises as the curious teenager gets attracted to the young man’s charm.
Soon, Elio and Oliver start exploring not just the beauty of the surrounding sites but also their respective desires for each other. The coming-of-age narrative is complemented by the stellar performances of a talented cast comprising Timothée Chalamet, Armie Hammer, Amira Casar, Esther Garrel, and Victoire Du Bois. Given the wide range of locations seen throughout the movie, viewers are bound to get curious about them.
Call Me by Your Name Filming Locations
‘Call Me by Your Name’ was filmed entirely in Italy, specifically in Lombardy and Tuscany. As per reports, the principal photography for the romantic film commenced in May 2016 and wrapped up after a month or so in June. Moreover, the production team returned to work in early December of the same year to shoot some additional outdoor portions for the movie. So, without wasting time, let’s traverse all the specific sites that appear in the Luca Guadagnino directorial!
Lombardy, Italy
Most of the pivotal sequences for ‘Call Me by Your Name’ were lensed across Lombardy, an administrative region in Italy in the northcentral part. Many important scenes were recorded in the province of Cremona. First and foremost, the Villa Albergoni at 26010 Moscazzano in Cremona stood in for the Perlmans’ ancient villa in the movie. Moreover, in the scene where Elio and Oliver have a drink together on a terrace, you can spot the Arch of Torrazzo at the Crema Cathedral in the city of Crema in the backdrop.
The heartbreaking final train station scene was shot in the train station of Pizzighettone at 26026 Pizzighettone. Piazza Vittorio Emanuele III in the municipality of Pandino also served as a key filming site. The production team utilized numerous other locations in Cremona, including Montodine, Ripalta Cremasca, Campagnola Cremasca, Piazza del Duomo in Crema, Via Federico Pesadori at 29-27 in Crema, Ricengo, Parco Regionale del Serio at Via Sinigaglia, 14, and Fontanile Quarantina in Capralba.
During the production process, the filming unit of ‘Call Me by Your Name’ was spotted lensing many pivotal scenes in the Bergamo province in the Lombardy region as well. Many picturesque sites of the area have been featured in the movie, such as Bergamo Cathedral on Piazza Duomo, Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore at Piazza Duomo, 5, Ateneo di Scienze Lettere ed Arti (temporarily closed) at Via Torquato Tasso, 4, the courtyard of Liceo Classico Paolo Sarpi at Piazza Rosate, 4, and the Cascate del Serio, situated two miles northeast of the Valbondione municipality.
The scene where Elio, Oliver, and Mr. Perlman are at the archaeological site by Lake Garda was taped around the Grottoes of Catullus at Piazzale Orti Manara, 4, in Sirmione in the city of Brescia. Moreover, the town of Corte Palasio in the province of Lodi in Lombardy served as another one of the production locations for the Timothée Chalamet starrer.
Tuscany, Italy
Additional portions of ‘Call Me by Your Name’ were reportedly shot in Tuscany, a region in central Italy. In particular, the scene where Elio and Oliver enter a cafe where some men are playing cards was taped in the Bar Belvedere at Via Giacomo Matteotti, 31, in the hill town of Montalcino in the Siena province.
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