Directed by Jason Bourque, Hallmark’s ‘Game of Love’ is a romantic movie that centers around Audrey, a creative board game designer, and Matthew, a marketing consultant. The duo has a few weeks to develop a novel game that helps people find love. As they begin to work on the project, Audrey and Matthew realize the difference in their approach and how little they know about romance. Their cozy and adorable workplace set the tone for this feel-good movie. If you were enthralled by their heartwarming love story and wished to learn about the filming locations which uplifted its aura, we’ve got you covered!
Game of Love: Where Was it Filmed?
The movie’s principal photography seemingly took place in British Columbia, particularly in Vancouver, akin to most Hallmark productions. The western Canadian province lies between the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains. The Rocky Mountains, Okanagan Valley, its lakes, and the wildlife make British Columbia a preferred filming site in multiple movies and TV shows. A few primary reasons that attract filmmakers to this location are its diverse geography, local talent, and government subsidies. Now, let’s take a look at the specific places seen in ‘Game of Love.’
Vancouver, British Columbia
‘Game of Love’ was supposedly shot in Vancouver, also known as Hollywood of the North, due to its first-rate production facilities, skilled technicians, favorable climate, and tax incentives. It is considered one of the best places to live due to its mild climate, picturesque views, and welcoming people. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that the production team of this Hallmark movie seemingly chose Vancouver as a filming site!
Stanley Park, the Museum of Anthropology, and VanDusen Botanical Garden are must-visit tourist spots in Vancouver. Apart from that, Buntzen Lake, Britannia Beach, and Deer Lake Park are well-known filming locations in the vibrant city. Moreover, it has an abundance of studios that provide excellent production services. It is likely that a significant portion of the sequences of ‘Game of Love’ was lensed in the confines of a studio complex. ‘Hope At Christmas,’ ‘Road To Christmas,’ and ‘The Perfect Bride: Wedding Bells’ are some of the Hallmark movies filmed in Vancouver.
Game of Love Cast
Kimberley Sustad essays the character of Audrey in the Hallmark movie. You might know her as Joanne Yates from ‘Travelers’ and Caitlyn Hartley from ‘Unspeakable.’ On the other hand, Brooks Darnell plays Matthew. He is widely recognized for his portrayal of Charlie in ‘Shadowhunters‘ and Sentry in ‘Total Recall.’ The supporting cast comprises Michael Teigen as Robbie Indigo, Claude Knowlton as Pierre, and Karina Frislev as Kiki. The movie also features Kareem Malcolm as Mike and Edwin Perez as Marshall.
Read More: Best Feel Good Movies of All Time
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