Directed by Greg Berlanti, ‘Life as We Know It’ is a romantic comedy film revolving around Holly Berenson and Eric Messer, who hate each other passionately due to a date gone wrong. When their best friends, Peter and Alison Novak, tragically die in a car crash, Holly and Eric have to take care of their daughter named Sophie. Saddled with unexpected parenthood and intolerable company, the pair has to try their best to take care of the baby.
Starring Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel, and Josh Lucas, among others, the movie is a treat to watch. Apart from its hilariously unique premise, the romedy also has attractive visuals that appeal to the audience. Therefore, fans of the film cannot help but wonder where its scenes were lensed. Luckily for them, we have all the answers.
Life as We Know It Filming Locations
‘Life as We Know It’ was filmed in Georgia and California, particularly in Atlanta, Norcross, and Los Angeles. Principal photography for the movie began on September 14, 2009, and lasted until November 12, 2009. Let’s take a closer look into the details of these filming locations.
Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta, the capital city of Georgia, was used to lens ‘Life as We Know It.’ The scenes set in Eric’s workplace were framed in the Turner Broadcasting System office at 1050 Techwood Drive. Belly General Store at 772 North Highland Avenue was utilized to shoot scenes in Holly’s bakery. As of writing, the store in the century-old bungalow-style neighborhood of Virginia-Highland is permanently closed.
Scenes set in the house where Holly and Eric live with Sophie were captured in a property at 4172 Club Drive North East in Buckhead. NBA allowed the producers to use real-life footage from an Atlanta Seahawks game held at State Farm Arena, earlier known as Philips Arena, situated at 1 State Farm Drive. Moreover, several pivotal scenes in Eric’s life were taped in the empty area in the city.
Norcross, Georgia
Several scenes in ‘Life as We Know It’ were shot in Norcross, Georgia. Located in Gwinnett County, the city is quite close to Atlanta and was named for Jonathan Norcross, a former Atlanta Mayor and railroad official. Given its proximity to the capital city, Norcross has an infrastructure that allows efficient filming. Many production crews have taken advantage of the facilities provided by Norcross, including ‘The Mule‘ and ‘Hidden Figures.’
Los Angeles, California
The cast and crew further recorded multiple scenes in Los Angeles, the heart of Hollywood, located in California. Americana 88, a cozy house in the neighborhood of Mar Vista, is one of the locations where the scenes in the comedy film were lensed. A few of the movies produced in the area are ‘True Romance’ and ‘This Is 40.’
Read More: Is Life as We Know It Based on a True Story?
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