A reboot of the eponymous Bravo series, Netflix’s ‘Queer Eye‘ is a reality TV series created by David Collins that follows the “Fab Five,” which consists of food and wine expert Antoni Porowski, fashion expert Tan France, culture expert Karamo Brown, grooming expert Jonathan Van Ness, and design expert Bobby Berk. In season 7, the co-hosts lend their expertise on different matters to a new group of people as the experts transform their lives.
Having touched people’s hearts in various states and cities across the country throughout previous seasons, the Fab Five, in the seventh season, travels across New Orleans as they go from one house to another, influencing people’s lives. Thus, it is natural for you to wonder where ‘Queer Eye’ season 7 was shot. In that case, allow us to fill you in on all the details about the same!
Queer Eye Season 7 Filming Locations
‘Queer Eye’ season 7 was filmed in Louisiana, specifically in and around New Orleans. As per reports, principal photography for the reality show’s seventh season commenced in June 2022. Now, without further ado, let’s follow the Fab Five around the city and get a detailed account of all the specific locations where they work their magic!
New Orleans Metropolitan Area, Louisiana
For season 7, the Fab Five embark on a transformative journey across the New Orleans Metropolitan Area, including the private homes of all the heroes featured in the season. For the first episode, the production team set up camp in the Express store in Lakeside Shopping Center at 3301 Veterans Memorial Boulevard in the census-designated place of Metairie and one of the Paris Parker Aveda Salons in New Orleans.
Several significant portions of ‘Queer Eye’ season 7 were also lensed in Billy Reid Boutique at 3927 Magazine Street, San Lorenzo at Hotel Saint Vincent at 1507 Magazine Street, Napoleon’s Itch at 734 Bourbon Street, Good Friends Bar at 740 Dauphine Street, Bandit Hair Company at 517 Port Street, Ikura Hibachi And Sushi at 310 North Carrollton Avenue, and the Nola Celebrity Barbershop & Hair Salon, all in NOLA.
Moreover, the filming unit utilized the locales of numerous other sites in the metropolitan region, including KIPP Leadership Primary at 2300 St Claude Avenue and Stein’s Market and Deli at 2207 Magazine Street in New Orleans, Benoga Beauty 2013 Metairie Road and Renaissance Interiors at 2727 Edenborn Avenue in Metairie, and SisterHearts Boutique & Thrift Store at 7519 West Judge Perez Drive in the census-designated place of Arabi.
On top of it, a few other New Orleans locations also appear in the show. They are West London Boutique at 3952 Magazine Street, Saint John Restaurant at Saint John Restaurant, Chapel Club in Hotel Saint Vincent at 1507 Magazine Street, The FAIT Collective at 3822 Magazine Street, NOLABraider at 1452 North Broad Street C, Recirculating Farms at 1924 Jackson Avenue, and Rocket Science Salon at 640 Elysian Fields Avenue.
Read More: Shows Like Queer Eye