Helmed by David O. Russell based on the titular fictional work by Matthew Quick, ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ is a critically acclaimed dramedy film that lends an empathetic lens towards trauma and mental illness. Featuring an energetic performance by the living legend Robert De Niro, and driven by electrifying chemistry between Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper in the central roles, the story revolves around Pat Solitano Junior, a divorcee living with bipolar disorder.
Disturbed in a dysfunctional family, the only thing Pat wants is to reconcile with his former wife. At this juncture, enters the enigmatic and mysterious character of Tiffany, giving Pat’s life a new meaning. What follows is a vibrant and compelling drama that distinguishes itself from the heap of countless cliquish dramedies produced by Hollywood. If you have seen the film, you would know that the Philadelphia setting gives the story much of its quirky charm. If you seek to identify the locations where the film was shot, let us give you a detailed tour.
Silver Linings Playbook Filming Locations
‘Silver Linings Playbook’ was filmed in its entirety in the US, especially in Pennsylvania. Filming commenced on October 3, 2011, and wrapped up on December 11 of the same year. Let us now take you to the specific locations where the film was shot!
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The film captures the suburban Philly essence with all its glory – including the avid football fans and the distinct accent. In turn, the director went on location to give the story its peculiar and eccentric character. Most of the filming was carried out in and around the city of Philadelphia in a strict schedule of thirty-three days. Although most of the scenes were filmed in the suburban neighborhoods surrounding the city, the ending moments of the film bring us back to the city.
In an early scene, Pat’s mother Dolores goes to discharge Pat from the mental health facility. They drive back through Interstate I-95, Southbound in Pennsylvania. Near Exit 17 towards Broad Street and Pattison Avenue, we get a glimpse of the stadium of the Philadelphia Eagles.
The climactic dance competition that decides the fate of Pat Jr. was filmed in the historical location of The Franklin Residences, an extravagant apartment complex named after one of the founding fathers of the United States, situated in 834 Chestnut Street in the Center City of Philadelphia. The crew filmed in the lobby and the ballroom, the latter serving as the location of the blue-tinted dance sequences.
The climactic dance competition that decides the fate of Pat Jr. was filmed in the historical location of The Franklin Residences; an extravagant apartment complex named after one of the founding fathers of the United States, situated in 834 Chestnut Street in the Center City of Philadelphia. The crew filmed in the lobby and the ballroom, the latter serving as the location of the blue-tinted dance sequences.
Shortly after, Pat chases an upset Tiffany and proposes to her on a festively lit street. The scene was filmed on Jeweler’s Row, at the intersection of Sansom Street and 8th Street.
Delaware County, Pennsylvania
Not confining themselves to the city, the crew filmed a major portion in and around the neighboring County of Delaware to give the film an authentic suburban feel. Some crucial scenes were filmed in the Upper Darby township, a suburban township in Delaware County at half an hour’s driving distance from downtown Philadelphia. An early trash-bag sporting jogging sequence was filmed at 300 South Madison Avenue in the Upper Darby area. The second jogging routine that sends Pat to the school was filmed at 14 North Lansdowne Avenue in the neighborhood of Lansdowne.
The stone-walled Solitano residence is located at 238 South Madison Avenue in the Upper Darby suburbs.
Later in the film, Pat and Tiffany go out on a date on Halloween night and end up fighting. The scene was filmed at Llanerch Diner, a cheap restaurant located at 95 East Township Line Road in the Upper Darby neighborhood.
Shortly after the scene at the restaurant, Pat chases Tiffany and is intimidated by a group of teenagers, causing the police to arrive. The sequence was filmed outside Lansdowne Theatre at 31 North Lansdowne Avenue in the Lansdowne borough of Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Pat goes to his former workplace at a school to convince the teacher that he is ready to get back to work. The school portrayed in the film is Bonner & Prendergast Catholic High School, located at 403 North Lansdowne Avenue in the Drexel Hill borough of the same county.
Some scenes were filmed in Ridley Park, another borough in the county. Tiffany’s house, where the duo practice for the dance competition, can be found at 6 South Swarthmore Avenue in the Ridley Park area.
After an episode at the house, Pat goes past Tiffany’s home while jogging, and Tiffany catches him by surprise. The scene was filmed at the intersection of Ladomus Avenue and Baldwin Avenue.
After some more jogging, Pat gathers the courage to ask Tiffany out on a non-date. The scene was recorded at the junction of East Township Line Road and Bewley Road.
Pat and Tiffany have their first meeting at the house of his friend Ronnie, who, along with his wife Veronica, live at a picturesque house at 1046 Villanova Avenue in the Swarthmore borough of the county.
Norristown, Pennsylvania
Additionally, some scenes were filmed a bit further in the suburban area of Norristown, a designated municipality in the Philadelphia metropolitan region. Norristown State Hospital, a state-sponsored psychiatric hospital located at 1001 Sterigere Street, Norristown, served as the site of the Baltimore State Hospital shown in the early moments of the film.
Read More: Best Movies About Mental Illness
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