‘The Hill’ is a biographical sports drama film helmed by Jeff Celentano. The film showcases the inspiring story of Rickey Hill, who, despite needing the support of leg braces due to a degenerative spinal condition, went on to become a legendary baseball player. The film follows the player’s journey as he overcomes not only physical challenges but also familial issues. With his masterful direction, Celentano takes the audience back in time to the 1950s and ’60s, completely immersing the viewers in the life and world of Rickey Hill. The enthralling visuals of the bygone era make one wonder where the production team managed to shoot the film.
The Hill: Where Was it Filmed?
The filming of ‘The Hill’ took place entirely in Georgia, specifically in the city of Augusta. The shoot went on extensively in late 2021, particularly from November to December, across several spots in and around the city. Now without any further ado, let us take you through all the places where ‘The Hill’ was filmed.
Augusta, Georgia
‘The Hill’ was primarily shot in Augusta, Georgia. In the film, the city doubles as Fort Worth, Texas, the actual hometown of Rickey Hill. The production team utilized various popular places in Augusta to shoot the key sequences of the film. The scenes showcasing Hill’s professional games were shot at the Lake Olmstead Stadium, a baseball park at 78 Milledge Road, Augusta. The stadium, built between 1994 and 1995, has served as the home field of various Minor League and College-level baseball teams.
Another location that features frequently in the film is the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA), a trading and marketing region in Georgia and South Carolina. The production team reportedly made use of the Georgia side of the CSRA to shoot some important scenes of the film. A few sequences were also filmed at the Wrightsboro Church, situated at 4713 Wrightsboro Road, Thomson, in McDuffie County, a county located in Augusta. In the film, Rickey’s father is a pastor, and hence the Wrightsboro Church stands in as a church located in rural Texas in the 1960s.
The cast and crew of ‘The Hill’ were also spotted filming some sequences in Columbia County, another county located in Augusta along the Savannah River. A portion of the film was shot at the Georgia-Carolina State Fairgrounds, situated at 308 Hale Street, Augusta. The ground particularly served as a filming location for the flashback scenes involving Rickey and other children playing baseball.
Actor Colin Ford who plays the lead role in the film, opened up about his experience of shooting in Augusta in an interview with a local newspaper. The actor explained how he loved shopping in the city, especially in an antique store, during his free time. “I can’t wait to come back and go shopping. I was born in Nashville, I found this cool little Tennessee metal thing that I pinned up in my office and I found some antique coffee cups and all kinds of weird knick-knacks. I got a metal bird for my mom,” Ford told The Augusta Chronicle.
Augusta is known for its natural beauty, gardens, parks, and forests. The rural landscapes, coupled with urban city infrastructure, make it an ideal location for filming a diverse range of projects. Hence, the city has previously hosted the production of several films including ‘The Suicide Squad,’ ‘The Mule,’ ‘Agent Game,’ ‘The Royal,’ ‘The Last Days of Billy the Kid, ‘Greyhound Attack,’ ‘Savannah Sunrise,’ ‘The Assistant,’ ‘My Brother’s Keeper,’ ‘A Cold Day in Hell,’ ‘Prescription for Love,’ ‘For the Love of Christmas’ and ‘The Other Side of Me.’
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