Helmed by David Wolfgang based on a script by Jeff Robertson, ‘True to The Game 3’ is the much-awaited third installment of the independent romantic gangster movie franchise of the same name. The series, in turn, is based on Teri Woods’ eponymous novel series, which is regarded as a milestone in the urban fiction genre. The tale revolves around the love story of Quadir and Gena, who navigate their ways into and out of the crime-laden underworld of Philadelphia.
After coming back to consciousness, Gena gets a bite of the big revelation – Quadir is still alive. Quadir’s return rekindles the promise of a happily ever after, but Gena has to visit Philadelphia before that. Meanwhile, the streets are burning with a pair of sinister cops extracting hustlers for money, and the release of Jarrell’s brother from prison muddies the equation further. Erica Peeples takes up the central role of Gena against Columbus Short as Quadir.
The sleek and grimy urban tale unveils – you may have guessed it – in and around Philadelphia. The noir-tinted scope captures the nightlife of Philadelphia in full glory. However, you may have been curious about the locations where the movie was shot, and if that is the case, let us take you to those places.
True to The Game 3 Filming Locations
‘True to The Game 3’ was filmed in its entirety in the US, especially in and around locations in Pennsylvania. Principal photography was carried out in September 2020. Pennsylvania proves to be an ideal place for cinematic productions for an array of pertinent reasons. The weather is temperate, the technicians are adept in contemporary technologies, and the state has a specific brand of culture for showcasing.
Moreover, the regional tax credit program reimburses a maximum of 30% of qualified expenses in the state for eligible film and television productions, which is a handful for producers, especially in indie ventures. Let us now escort you back to the urban jungle where the movie was shot.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The entirety of the film was shot in and around Philadelphia, the largest city in the state and a rich seat of rap music. The books immerse the readers in a ubiquitous brand of Philly culture, and as the movies stay true to the books, Philadelphia was the only choice for the production team.
Co-actor Malik Barnhardt thoughtfully shared a BTS video on his Instagram with the slogan “streets gotta eat.” The clip shows a glimpse of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge. An iconic suspension bridge that connects Philadelphia with the New Jersey metropolis of Camden, Benjamin Franklin Bridge is a palpable presence in the Philly skyline.
The production team filmed a few scenes at Max’s Steaks, a no-frills diner located at 3653 Germantown Avenue in downtown Philadelphia. Additional scenes were filmed at the intersection of 10th Street and Sansom near the Thomas Jefferson hospital. The city of Grace Kelly, Richard Gere and Kevin Hart, Philadelphia is characterized by its eventful history and vibrant nightlife. Today, you see towering skyscrapers and structures, a mix of old and new, far away from the city.
Read More: Is True to the Game 3 on Netflix, Hulu, Prime, or HBO Max?
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