Paramount+’s ‘Fatal Attraction’ is a psychological drama series that tells the story of Dan Gallagher, whose affair with Alexandra “Alex” Forrest takes a drastic turn after the latter becomes obsessed with him. Based on the 1987 film of the same name, the series borrows several elements from the source material while making changes and new additions. While the show’s plot loosely resembles the film version, it adds several new characters in the mix that help add nuance to the story. Mike Gerard and Arthur Tomlinson are two of the most prominent new additions to the story. SPOILERS AHEAD!
Mike’s Role in Fatal Attraction
The 2023 television series loosely follows the plot of the 1987 film, albeit greatly expanding upon their characters and their personal lives. In the series, one of the new and original characters not present in the movie is Mike Gerard. Mike is Dan’s senior at the District Court and an old friend of Dan’s father. As a result, Mike took Dan under his wing and served as his mentor in the legal world. In the series, actor Toby Huss plays the role of Mike Gerard. Huss rose to prominence with his performance as Artie in the 90s comedy series ‘The Adventures of Pete & Pete.’ Some viewers might recognize Huss as Edward Dickinson in the comedy-drama series ‘Dickinson.’
In the original film, Dan works at a private law firm in New York City. His boss is Arthur, and actor Stuart Pankin plays the role. Arthur is a disciplined and strict boss who assigns Dan to work on a real estate case. In the television series, Mike fills in the role of Dan’s boss. However, their relationship is not a traditional boss-and-employee relationship. Mike and Dan are friends, and their bond goes beyond their shared professional lives. In the third episode of the series, Mike actively helps Dan seek his case files and prove his innocence. As a result, Mike has a very active role in the show’s overall storyline and is an important addition to the television adaptation due to his relationship with Dan.
Arthur’s Role in Fatal Attraction
The 1987 film does feature a character named Arthur, as mentioned above. However, the television show’s version of the character is an entirely new entity created for the story. Although the character shares his first name with Dan’s boss from the original film, Arthur Tomlinson in the show is actually associated with Dan’s wife, Beth Gallagher. Arthur is Beth’s best friend and business associate. In the series, actor Brian Goodman plays the role of Arthur Tomlinson. Goodman gained recognition for playing small parts in director Steven Spielberg’s 2002 crime-comedy ‘Catch Me If You Can’ and the 2005 historical drama movie ‘Munich.’ However, Goodman is best known for his performance as Lieutenant Sean Cavanaugh in the crime drama series ‘Rizzoli & Isles.’
In the television series, Goodman’s Arthur is a close friend of Dan’s wife, Beth. However, we later learn that after Dan was imprisoned for Alex’s murder, Beth and Arthur started a relationship. It is implied that Beth and Arthur are married, and Dan’s daughter, Ellen, calls Arthur her dad. However, Arthur appears sympathetic to Dan’s circumstances and encourages Beth and Ellen to reconnect with him. Adding Arthur to the mix allows Dan to realize what he has lost because of his ill-fated affair with Alex and the subsequent fallout. Hence, the character not only impacts the emotional state of the protagonist but also helps further Beth and Ellen’s storylines, which are also affected by Alex’s intervention in Dan’s life.
Read More: What Are Dan and Alex’s Jobs in Fatal Attraction (2023)?
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