‘Bosch: Legacy’ is a sequel-spin-off series from the detective fiction show, ‘Bosch,’ which aired on Amazon Prime Video between 2014 and 2021. They are both based on a series of novels by Michael Connelly. In ‘Bosch: Legacy,’ Bosch has left his life as an LAPD homicide detective behind and now works as a private investigator. His extensive resume of solving crime draws the attention of billionaire industrialist Whitney Vance, who hires him to find out what happened to the woman he knew and loved over seven decades ago and the child she was pregnant with at the time. Dominick Santanello emerges as one of the persons of interest as Harry begins his search. Here is everything you need to know about him. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Who Is Dominick Santanello in Bosch?
Vance initially reaches out to Harry through the leading security firm, Trident Security. Its owner, John Creighton, informs Harry that Vance wants to meet him and will pay him $10,000 for his time. When Harry arrives at Vance’s home, he discovers that the billionaire is sick and uses a wheelchair.
Vance asks Harry to correct a great wrong done by him. In 1952, when he was an engineering student at USC, he fell in love with Vibiana Duarte, who used to work in the college dining hall. She belonged to an impoverished Mexican family. In contrast, Vance hailed from a family with generational wealth, having made money in gold mines, steel, and aviation. After Vance’s father found out, he warned his son that he would lose his inheritance if he didn’t end things with Vibiana, whom he called a fortune hunter. Vance did what he was told to do, but it has become the greatest regret of his life.
During his investigation, Harry discovers Vibiana eventually committed suicide, but that was after she gave birth to a son, whom she named Dominick. She got the chance to spend some time with her child. When the Santanello family adopted the boy, they decided to use the name that his biological mother gave him. So, in Bosch, Dominick is Whitney Vance’s son.
Is Dominick Santanello Dead?
Dominick was born on January 1, 1953. The Santanellos brought him up along with his adoptive sister Olivia. During the Vietnam War, he enlisted in the US Navy as a medic and was eventually killed in action on December 9, 1972, in Tây Ninh, Vietnam. If he were alive, he would have been the heir of the Vance fortune, which is now worth billions of dollars.
While visiting Olivia, Harry finds a film roll among Dominick’s things. When he develops the photos, he discovers that a couple of them are of a mysterious woman with a child. Even after Vance’s death, Harry keeps looking. He contacts one of Dominick’s friends from the Navy, who eventually recalls the name of the news outlet that the woman used to work for as a photographer. Harry eventually finds the woman in question — Gabriela Lida. She and Dominick got married, though it was officiated by one of Gabriela’s friends, who was a bruja or a female practitioner of witchcraft. Through Gabriela, he finds Dominick’s daughter and 14-year-old grandson, Vibiana Veracruz (Roxana Brusso) and Gilberto, respectively. They are the heirs of the Vance fortune for all intent and purpose.
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