‘The Matrix Resurrections’ is the fourth installment in the beloved ‘The Matrix‘ film franchise. The film is directed by Lana Wachowski and follows Neo (Keanu Reeves), years after the events of the third movie, as he finds himself trapped inside the digital simulation known as the Matrix once again.
A lot has changed in the Matrix since our last adventure through the franchise’s world, and many new characters populate the digital and real world. One of them is the mysterious personality known as The Analyst. If you are wondering about just who The Analyst is and what he wants from Neo, here’s everything you need to know! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Who Is The Analyst in The Matrix Resurrections?
The Analyst is introduced as a supporting character in the fourth film, with actor Neil Patrick Harris essaying the role. The Analyst is the therapist of Neo’s Matrix counterpart, Thomas A. Anderson. He helps Thomas deal with his dreams and is a guide for Thomas, who feels he is losing his mind. However, all of that turns out to be an illusion. The Analyst is secretly working to keep Thomas/Neo within the Matrix. After Neo is reawakened, he learns the truth about his therapist. The Analyst is the creator in chief of the new iteration of the Matrix.
After their truce with humans, the machines wanted to enable a new and improved Matrix. The Analyst convinced the machines to let him resurrect Neo and Trinity’s bodies. After successfully bringing the duo back to life, The Analyst spent years understanding their equation by trying different permutations and combinations. He eventually realized that keeping the two close by, unaware of their shared history, produced a massive amount of energy.
The character serves as the film’s primary antagonist and is a replacement for the Architect. The Architect is the creator of the previous iteration of the Matrix. Since The Architect is a program, the Analyst is likely also the same. However, The Analyst’s vision for the Matrix is different from his predecessor. He wishes to manipulate the dreams of the captives instead of the facts. Thus, he has better control over the digital counterparts of the people connected to the Matrix. The Analyst is also intrigued by the feelings of humans. It allows him to build the new Matrix powered by Neo and Trinity’s love for each other.
The Analyst tries to blackmail Neo into returning to the Matrix by threatening to kill Trinity. After Neo’s escape, the machines consider resetting the Matrix to the previous iteration, but The Analyst is able to stop them from going ahead with the plan. Nonetheless, with help from Niobe, the Io residents, and Sati, Neo rescues Trinity.
In the end, Neo and Trinity regain complete control over the Matrix and defeat The Analyst. However, instead of erasing him from the system, the duo allows him to exist within the Matrix as they improve his creation by adding their touches of humanity and sentimentality. On a thematic level, The Analyst serves as the advocate of determinism in the film’s debate about free will and the disillusions that come with it. The Analyst’s ideological differences with Neo and Trinity make him the perfect foil for the duo.
Read More: Neo’s Powers in The Matrix Resurrections, Explained
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