HBO’s ‘Succession‘ follows the lives of the affluent Roy family members who are involved in the operations of Waystar RoyCo. While the series explores the interpersonal dynamics between the Roys, Willa finds herself on the family’s fingers despite being closely connected with them. Amidst the family drama, the eldest sibling, Connor Roy, chooses to remain away from the drama and lives a quiet life with his girlfriend, Willa. Naturally, viewers must be looking for more details about Willa, who plays her in ‘Succession.’ SPOILERS AHEAD!
Willa Is Connor’s Girlfriend
Willa Ferreyra is introduced in the second episode of ‘Succession, titled ‘Sh*t Show at the F**k Factory.’ She is a sex worker who is introduced to Logan Roy’s eldest son, Connor Roy, through Roman Roy. Connor has been a client of Willa for several years when the show begins. It is implied that Connor has romantic feelings for Willa, but she views their relationship as strictly transactional. Later, Connor asks Willa to make their relationship exclusive by moving in with him at his ranch in New Mexico. Initially, Will is hesitant to do so but eventually agrees to become Connor’s girlfriend. As the narrative progresses, it becomes evident that Willa has no romantic feelings for Connor.
In the second season, Connor finances Willa’s stage play as she becomes an aspiring playwright after leaving her former career. It is implied that Willa agreed to become Connor’s girlfriend only to fund her play and kick-start her playwriting career. However, the play turns out to be a disaster, trapping Willa in her relationship with Connor. In the third season finale, Connor proposes to Willa, and she reluctantly accepts after taking some time to consider getting married. Connor and Willa get married in the fourth season, while Connor is also running to be the President of the United States with almost little to no success. Later, Willa convinces Connor not to accept Jeryd Mencken’s offer to become an ambassador in exchange for dropping out of the race.
Justine Lupe-Schomp Plays Willa in Succession
In ‘Succession,’ actress Justine Lupe-Schomp, better known as Justine Lupe, plays the role of Willa Ferreyra. Lupe was brought up in Denver, Colorado, and she studied at the Denver School of the Arts, graduating with a degree in the theater program. Later, Lupe moved to New York City, where she attended and graduated from the prestigious Juilliard School. Lupe started her acting career in 2011, appearing in an episode of the crime-drama series ‘Unforgettable’ and the short film ‘Three Forms of Insomnia.’ She gained recognition for her recurring role as Phoebe Blake in the legal comedy series ‘Harry’s Law.’
Lupe’s breakthrough performance came as Maddie Culpepper in the short-lived ABC sitcom ‘Cristela.’ Lupe is arguably best known for her role as Holly Gibney in the crime-drama series ‘Mr. Mercedes,‘ which is based on author Stephen King’s novels. Her other credits include shows such as ‘Sneaky Pete,’ ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,’ and ‘Home Economics.’ Lupe has been credited as a recurring guest star for the first two seasons of ‘Succession.’ However, she was upgraded to a series regular status for the show’s third and fourth seasons. Lupe reportedly resides in Los Angeles, California.
Read More: Who Is Mark Ravenhead? Who Plays Him in Succession?
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