Paramount Network’s ‘Yellowstone‘ follows the Duttons, a family of ranchers who have operated the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch for generations. The series is rich in lore as the episodes, and spin-off shows slowly explore the past of the historic ranch and the family members who are a part of the land’s history.
While viewers know about some of the family members and their tragic fates, John Dutton’s mother remains of the most mysterious characters on the show. With John Dutton (Kevin Costner) opting to speak fairly little about his mother, viewers must be wondering about her identity and fate. If you are looking for answers about John Dutton’s mother in ‘Yellowstone,’ here is everything we know in that regard! SPOILERS AHEAD!
John’s Relationship with His Mother
John Dutton’s family history is an intriguing aspect of the character’s story. The series expands on the Dutton family tree through the spin-off prequel shows’ 1883‘ and ‘1923.’ The three shows include a combined four characters named John Dutton. However, Kevin Costner’s John Dutton is the Dutton family’s present patriarch. While the series heavily explores John’s relationship with his children, it does not dive much into John’s relationship with his own parents. In the second season finale, titled ‘Sins of the Father,’ John’s father, John Dutton Jr (Dabney Coleman), plays a crucial role in underlining John’s fierce devotion to protecting his land.
However, the narrative does not touch upon John’s relationship with his mother. As with John’s wife, Evelyn, who only appears a handful of times, John’s relationship with arguably one of the most important women in his life remains unexplored. In the fourth episode of the fifth season, titled ‘Horses in Heaven,’ Costner’s John Dutton remembers his mother while telling Monica about his brother, Peter Dutton, who sadly passed away shortly after birth. However, John does not mention his mother’s name, and the character remains unnamed after several seasons. Furthermore, John rarely speaks about his mother making it difficult for us to understand the personality and nature of John’s mother.
John’s Aversion to Discussing His Mother
The life and death of John Dutton’s mother remain shrouded in mystery. The series has yet to name the character or address her involvement in any major events in the story. When viewers meet her husband, John Dutton Jr, she appears to have passed away. However, the show has not mentioned the exact reason for her death. Nonetheless, John’s lack of affinity toward speaking about his mother might imply that she suffered a tragic death.
In the fourth episode of season 4, John explains that his mother took Peter’s death to heart. She was heartbroken after Peter passed away and never tried to have children again. Hence, it is likely that John’s mother never recovered from losing her younger son. As a result, she might have become withdrawn from the rest of her family. Furthermore, she could have sunk into depression caused by the grief leading her to suicide. John’s mother dying by suicide would be a traumatic incident for him to deal with at a young age. Hence, it is likely that John avoids talking about his mother and chooses not to share memories of his mother with his children. The fifth season of the series features Josh Lucas as a Young John Dutton, and flashback sequence in the upcoming episodes might shed some light on the fate of John Dutton’s mother.
Read More: Does John Dutton Have Siblings? How Many Siblings Does He Have?
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