The reality TV show ‘Bachelor in Paradise‘ on ABC, which began in 2014, is a spin-off of ‘The Bachelor’ and ‘The Bachelorette.’ Former contestants from both original series are present on the show; hence, an unequal number of men and women compete and search for their true love within the group. They spend a lot of time, secluded from the outside world, at a stunning beach resort while simultaneously seeing lots of drama, love triangles, and even genuine connections take place all around them.
This dating show inevitably brings a lot to the table for viewers and contestants. While finding their potential partner, they test their waters with several people, whether with original contestants or new ones who join later. Rodney Mathews and Eliza Isichei from season 1 had a journey along those lines and left a mark on the viewers. Naturally, fans must be eager to know if the couple is still together, and here’s what we found!
Rodney and Eliza’s Bachelor in Paradise Journey
Rodney Mathews is an alum of Michelle Young‘s ‘The Bachelorette’ season 18, whereas Eliza Isichei was in Clayton Echard’s ‘The Bachelor’ season 26. Though they both were late arrivals in the show, Rodney was the first to arrive in week 2, and the latter first made her appearance in week 4. His arrival excited a few ladies, but he was mainly interested in talking to Teddy, who was equally eager to connect with him. However, since she was already with Andrew, her confusion about choosing one between both the guys made her ultimately leave the villa alone.
A heartbroken Rodney then waited for his chance with someone else, and Lace and Jill tried to take on this prospect. He and Lace then began connecting, and they did go well for a bit, with her ending the Rose Ceremony by giving the rose to him. However, things began to change with Rodney once Eliza joined the paradise as part of the Casa Amor week.
With Lace away in another resort, Rodney and Eliza quickly got acquainted, and their bond got a further nudge when a date card arrived in their name. Calling each other “cute” the entire date, they spent the evening together, having a great time. However, since Lace was far away and worried about losing Rodney, she decided to go to the main resort and talk to him, getting shocked seeing him and Eliza returning from their date.
In an emotional situation, Rodney admitted his feelings for the latter and his decision to go forward with her. But more drama emerged after Justin Glaze returned to the beach to try his chances with Eliza again. Moreover, it got complicated when she asked Rodney how he felt about her going on a date. Surprisingly, he said he didn’t mind it because he wanted her to be sure of her decision and choose him without any resentment.
Nevertheless, Eliza saw the reaction differently and thought Rodney wasn’t that interested in her if he would let her go on a date with someone else. Even when he explained his intentions the next day, asserting that he was only focused on her, she wasn’t convinced and said she needed more time to decide.
Eliza then spoke to Justin and made out with him. When the time came for the Rose Ceremony, both guys tried their best to convince her about their intentions and feelings, which confused her, yet she ultimately chose Rodney. So, after all these challenges on the show, let’s find out if they are still together.
Rodney and Eliza Are Not Together Anymore
No, Rodney and Eliza are no longer together. Although everyone was happy with her decision to choose him, she still regretted her choice. According to her, since everyone wanted her to pick Rodney, that influenced her judgment more than her feelings. Thus, the following day, Eliza told him that she wanted to choose Justin and that she had only ignored her feelings until then. Hearing this, Rodney does not wish to be in the bachelor paradise with Eliza, and, as a result, he decides to leave the show.
With a teary-eyed goodbye, Rodney and Eliza left the beach resort separately. However, she did not go home; instead, she went to Baltimore, Maryland, where Justin lived, to confess her feelings. Per reports, she did not get the answer she was hoping for because Justin said he was confused and wasn’t sure he felt the best about her arrival at his home. He ultimately said “no” as “he wanted somebody who’s all in.”
The same report also suggested that Justin still planned to meet Eliza in Los Angeles, but she speculatively ghosted him saying, “he didn’t hit her up until like 11 at night when he was there.” Meanwhile, they do not follow each other on social media. As for Rodney and her, they are reportedly on good terms and do follow one another on social media. They also met cordially in the reunion episode of the show.
Albeit, there is nothing more to this relationship as of writing. Rodney is soaring high on the love and support he got on the show, and Eliza is focused on her life. Nevertheless, we wish them love and happiness in their respective futures.
Read More: Are Romeo and Kira From Bachelor In Paradise Still Together?
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